personal msg to tuxedo penguin

yeah, you're right -- if i only knew a girl or two -- hmmmn -- how in the world could i possibly meet a girl or many girls? what would be awesome is if i could figure out a way to meet a girl or two who would like me enough to ask me to photograph them -- oooooh, and what if i could trick them into trusting me enough so that they'd take off their clothes and let me take pictures that way -- how could i do that? whoa -- that seems impossible. YOU ARE SO RIGHT!

yeah -- rejection -- that's it -- wow -- YOU ARE BRILLIANT!

let's quote from your profile:

"Testimonials: tuxedo penguin doesn't have any testimonials yet."

and you are diagnosing me with alcoholism because of REJECTION! sahhhweet! i guess you must REALLY understand that one -- maybe you were thinking about something called PROJECTION? you seem to be qualified to talk about that. art? no. rejection and projection? yup -- penguin dude knows his shit. thanks penguin dude.

let's see, what else? oh -- and i'm UNORIGINAL -- TOTALLY!!

i should be totally original and maybe express it using a penguin logo from a big old computer dealie -- wow -- ORIGINALITY!

wait, what were you saying about sad and little? are you making fun of your own heisted penguin logo? awwwee poor little penguin man.

angry? FULL ON! BUT!>>>>>....... while pointing and laughing at you the first thing many might notice is the LAUGHTER which is also a sign of good times and hilarity.

i could go on and on here but i'm working on a photo of a fat, ugly , stinky, kinda bald, naked girl with a glass eye (the only kind who will even talk to me) and i'm feeling totally rejected by her and super sad and little. ha --you are AWESOME.

anyway dude -- yeah, you RULE -- keep that mighty sword you're weilding sharp and shiny -- it all seems to be working out so well for you.

by the way, all these people you see know what i am REALLY like -- i have a blog n'shit yo -- filled with poop and pee and booger jokes and rants and naked chicks --- a 12 year olds DREEEEAAAAMMMM!!! you would hate it.

write more write more write more! i can harldy wait.

you penguin hero of mine.

holy crap i cant stop saying penguin!

penguin penguin penguin penguin penguin penguin penguin penguin penguin penguin penguin penguin penguin pengweeen


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