Nekkid Nathan

Shelley mentioned Firefly in the comments of the last post, which reminded me of Nathan Fillion (as it does). Although I've not managed to catch any episodes of Firefly I've watched Serenity about six times (my husband is now a rabid fan and watches it twice as many times as I do!) So I thought I'd go in search of a little hero inspiration and came up with... some interesting shots...

It also reminded me that a certain Ms Amanda Ashby promised (well okay she sort of promised) to find some nekkid pickies of Mr Fillion. Now, it's not that I'm an impatient kind of girl or anything... oh well okay, so I am!! And guess what I found. A nekkid picky!

Mind you the face is a bit fuzzy so I'm not 100% sure this is the divine Mr Fillion in the flesh so to speak... so the big question here is - IS it or ISN'T it???

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