Morning Boredom and Mindless Crap

I was visiting Megan's site and ran across a quiz to determine which Star Trek character you are. As just about everyone in the office is on vacation this week, I had a free moment to "fill in the blanks". Go on, have fun, see if you're the red shirt of the day.

Here's mine:
Your results: You are Jean-Luc Picard
A lover of Shakespeare and other fine literature. You have a decisive mind and a firm hand in dealing with others.

I know, y'all could've gone all day without knowing I was destined to be your captain but what the hell.
I'll be back later - after I've caught up on my real work - to post something you actually don't mind wasting your time reading. Off you go now, grab a seat and prepare for warp speed.
Post Scriptum
(Not only do I look hot bald, but it seems I’m a bit of a dominatrix.)

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