Research Black Hole

I always moan to my cps about how much I hate research (I believe they tune out now when I start going on about it!!!) but it's not really true. I love research. I just hate the way it sucks up so much time.

Currently I'm researching the Roman period (and does anyone know of those Horrible History books they are brilliant! Thanks to them (and various x-box games which we will totally ignore) my son knows quite a bit about the Romans.) But anyway. The research is fascinating, and I've learned loads about the organisation of the Roman Imperial Legion (my hero is a centurion. In case you didn't guess!)

The problem is, I end up reading about it all for ages. And that, of course, means I have less actual writing time. I have tried doing as Amanda's frequently suggested and just put *** in places where I need to go back and clarify when the book is finished but it claws at the back of my brain. The following day I have to hop online and research for the missing pieces - which often takes three hours just to fill in half a blank sentence. And although before I start I try and print out all the info I think I'm going to need, don't you just know it - there's always something new that pops up!

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