It's Friday! It's Halloween! It's time for the WITCHES!!!

As some of you may know I'm in a crit group called The Witches (not sure why we call ourselves that. It's not as if we cackle whenever we get together!) We've known each other for several years, before any of us were published (except for Pat, who was already a multi-pubbed children's author when I first met her), so we've shared all the ups and downs and highs and lows along the way.

Anyway, to celebrate the release of Foretaste of Forever the darling witches are having parties over at their blogs, where they are revealing all sorts of things (and some of them ain't pretty). And so because it's Halloween, and it's Friday, and my heroine is a witch, we're holding a contest for the chance to win a download of my very first erotic romance novella.

All you have to do is pop over and leave a comment - for three chances comment at all three blogs!!! And Pat is hosting a Q&A session, so if there's anything you'd like to ask me hop over and leave your questions in her comment trail!

Amanda's Blog
Pat's Blog
Sara's Blog

MySpace Glitters

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