Night Owl Romance 4.5 Hearts

I've had two reviews this week for Touch of the Demon which really brightened my day! The first is from Night Owl Romance where Dianna had this to say:

Touch of the Demon is an extremely spicy novella. Short in length but full to the brim with enough hot and spicy passion to make you want your fan running on high while you are reading it. Christina Phillips has done a spectacular job of making her world come alive for the reader. Touch of the Demon will defiantly keep you guessing, and honestly you would think “people” would learn not to mess with affairs of the heart, wouldn’t you?

The full review can be found here, but be warned! It's a very hot and spicy review!!!

The second review is from fellow The Wild Rose Press author Helen Hardt:

Do you love a dark and sexy hero? An imaginative paranormal setting? Sizzling sexual tension coupled with passionate emotion? Touch of the Demon offers all this and more. The refreshingly unique story of Rafe and Celeste explores the timeless theme of a love so fierce and unending, it overpowers all other loyalties. Christina Phillips’s elegant voice and masterful use of imagery will leave you breathless. Don’t miss this one!

Thank you Helen!

And while I think of it, does anyone understand the vaguries of Google Alerts? I get heaps of alerts but half of them are for old links on the web which I've been sent before. But I only found the NOR review by googling myself (this of course has given me a great excuse to continue with my obsessive self googly habits!!!)

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