I'm Baa-aaccck!!!

Phew. Fingers crossed I'm back to normal now (not that my family would notice as they think I'm barking on the best of days!) I had to reinstall Incredimail after all, as the other email feature I had drove me insane. I'll just have to put up with the smilies which insist on attaching themselves to everything I send.

We survived the cyclone and ten foot waves although the weather is so dull and miserable it's just like being back in England in November! Shouldn't complain since it's been a gorgeous autumn so far. On the other hand I derive a great deal of pleasure from complaining!!!!!!!!

I realised this morning there's only a few more days left until Red Wolverton Howling finishes. This shocked me as I've kind of got used to hopping over to Coffee Time Romance and reading what's happening with the intrepid Carrie and her hot harem of sex starved males!!! However, it also means that somehow or other everything has to be resolved by 27th May and if you've been following the story you'll know there's a LOT to resolve!!! Any ideas, please jump in with the next exciting instalment!!!

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