Perth Roadshow 2009

On Saturday I attended the 2009 RWA Romance Roadshow in Perth. What a fantastic day! The Roadshow Committee did a wonderful job of organising everything. We were lucky enough to have Kelly Hunter, President of the RWA and published with Harlequin Mills and Boon Modern Heat/Sexy Sensation, Keri Arthur, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Riley Jenson, Guardian series, and Denise Rossetti, erotic romance author published with Ellora's Cave and Berkley Sensation.

The day could have been tailor made for me, since Keri took workshops on world building, on how we as authors can successfully create an alternative and believable environment. I find setting a challenge and have to constantly remind myself to layer in the landscape/climate etc so this was invaluable for me.

Keri also did a question and answer session on writing urban fantasy/paranormal and all the nitty gritty bits of the publishing world which was completely fascinating!!!

Me and Keri Arthur (not that I'm name dropping here...)

Then we had the Sealed Section with Denise which
proved very popular for some reason!!! We discussed language, the differences between erotic romance, erotica and pornography and the importance of vivid sensory detail and deep emotional point of view. Her tips were invaluable.
It was also great to chat about publishing in general with authors who've experience in both e and traditional publishing marketplaces.

There were also tutorials on deep point of view, effective story dialogue and romance heroes, lots of spot prizes and goody bags!

Me with Denise Rossetti (OK I AM shamelessly name dropping!!)

It was fantastic to meet up with so many other writers, and it sure didn't feel like a whole year ago since the inaugural Roadshow when I was so inspired that I subbed Foretaste of Forever to The Wild Rose Press!

Here's a pic of me with my good mate Nikki Logan, who a few months after last year's Roadshow signed a two book contract with Harlequin Mills and Boon Romance! Her debut book is out in the New Year and I can't wait to read it!

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