
Thankfully when we (that's the Royal 'we' btw, haha) reinstalled the updated Incredimail all my emails magically and incomprehensibly reappeared. But I have the feeling the computer's on its last legs, despite not even being 3 years old, as it took three attempts just to boot up this morning. And five minutes ago, half way through this blog post, everything disappeared and I got slung back to bigpond.

At least last night I managed to back up a lot of my email folders so am feeling a bit calmer about that.


Thank you so much for your comment, which I'm going to repost here so everyone can read it.

Christina, Sounds as though you’re having quite a day.
Are you aware there are now update site to install the latest patches to your operating system so the ‘things’ floating around the Internet won’t bother you?
For Microsoft operating systems the address is; http://update.microsoft.com
The problem now is whether to believe me. ----
The motivation to provide address like that above wasn’t the companies who provide the computer software but rather an initiative of the United States government attempting to protecting consumer rights (and computer security in general).
The CERT organisation administers who will do what to which operating system.http://www.cert.org ---
Hope your day goes better from now on. --- Eric
PS: My thoughts: (To make your day) I don't think backups help. The problem is always in the backup long before it surfaces.

(Me again) Eric, Thank you so much for taking the time to explain and I totally believe you since you've come to our rescue so many times in the past! Although I could have done without knowing that last bit!!!

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