Well my desk is tidy and polished and looks very alien to me without all the dust and rubbish *cough* I mean important research notes scattered across it, but I thought I should make the effort since I'm flying off to conference tomorrow. Yay! I'm very excited in case you didn't guess!!
I'm also very happy as I don't have to cook dinner tonight. The kids have volunteered (no I really didn't twist their arms. Well, not much) as it's my birthday and I have turned twenty-nine. Again. but we won't talk about that anomaly!!
Tomorrow I'm scheduled to be interviewed over at the lovely Marianne Arkins blog, where among other things I'm talking about tomatoes and tattoos! OH! And I managed to sneak in a mention of the gorgeous Clive Owen (I know I'm flighty, what with my not-so-secret-obsession with the ridiculously beautiful Henri Castelli (who is a total dead ringer for my current hero, omg) )... where was I... anyway, would love to see you over there even though I won't be able to join in the fun as I'll be winging my way to Auckland!!
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