Care for a New Tattoo

my-first-tattoo-experience-new ...Getting a tattoo is a painful experience that generally involves a needle piercing ink into your skin. Taking care of your new tattoo is very important because as your tattoo heals, it is capable of picking up a lot of infections if not cared for properly.

The tattoo artist applies bandages to your tattoo, and will give you the appropriate amount of time to keep it on. It is strongly recommended that you listen to his instructions to avoid serious injury. When the bandages are ready to come off, you will need to wash your tattoo. This can be done in the shower if you want, as it is okay to get your tattoo wet. It’s recommended that you use something soft to wash your tattoo with, but it’s generally not recommended to use anything that is rough.

Your tattoo will no doubt become scabby, but it’s important to not pick at it or use any kind of lotions such as Neosporin or Polysporin. It’s best to place a warm cloth gently on the tattooed area and wait for the scabs to soften and peel off. All of these steps will be informed to you by the tattoo artist that does your tattoo. He or she will give you all of the necessary care instructions. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to listen to the instructions given to you.

Do not assume that you know what you are doing when dealing with tattoo care, it is important to follow all directions that have been offered by the tattoo artist.

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