Edits Finished, back to the WIP

I fell off the radar this week while doing the line edits, sorry about that! But I finished them yesterday and my agent had a quick peek. I'll read the book through one more time on Monday (just in case I missed something!!!) before sending it off to my editor.

I also wrote the acknowledgments and that was huge fun!

So today, after a week away from it, I opened up my wip. I'd last left it in the middle of editing stuff my CPs had pointed out, and then I realised the last page of my second chapter was all wrong (basically I'd completely misunderstood my hero's motivation there towards the heroine - no wonder I wrote myself into a hole last week. Once I realised the problem and turned it on its head we were good to go again!) I managed five pages this afternoon which I'm happy with, as it's got me back into the world and not only that, it's got me very excited about the story again!

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