FB & the Writing Process

Well, I'm still not sure what I'm doing over at FB with two separate pages... how can that be easier than just having one?! Beats me! I'll apologise here in advance for the double lots of postings that I'll be doing!!

I heard back from my agent today on the couple of questions I had re my edits. As always she had awesome feedback which cleared the fog and now I can actually see what I was supposed to be doing in the first place. A case of being too close to the book to see the wood for the trees (argh! cliche alert!! but it fits!)

Finally, Sara Hantz passed this link on. It's a blog post by romantic suspense author Allison Brennan on her writing process, and it's fascinating. I identified with a lot of things she said, espeically about quite often having the solution to a problem already written into the ms without actually realising it! Kind of like magic really!

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