Almost there. But not quite...

OK I just want to give a big *squee* to fellow Aussie, the hugely talented Kylie Griffin who won the Paranormal Golden Heart on Saturday in Orlando! Yay, go Kylie!! So very well deserved! I'm still happy dancing for you :-)

Writing update: Just hit 90k on the current book today - am sooo close to the end I can see it! But not quite there yet :-) At this rate I'll make 100k by Friday (I realise I've just jinxed myself by saying that out loud!) and will have no option but to make sure everything's tied up. And I do have a lot to tie up (and I'm not completely sure how everything does tie up, but since I had the same worries with both Forbidden and Captive, I'm hoping it's just a part of my crazy process and not a real problem!!)

I received confirmation of my workshops for the Oz conference over the weekend (Next Week!!!) and it's all looking fabulous. Now I just need to work out what I'm wearing and start the packing!!

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