Day Three ~ Cari Quinn

My final guest for day three is Cari Quinn, who writes sizzling hot erotic romance for The Wild Rose Press and Ellora's Cave! I first met Cari a couple of years ago after I sold my first novelette to TWRP, and I blame her entirely for my fixation on the ridiculously pretty Henri Castelli!!!

So here to talk about forbidden love, it's over to you, Cari!

A touch of the forbidden...

Huge congratulations to Christina on the release of Forbidden and thank you so much for inviting me to be part of your blog party! Forbidden's been at the top of my To Be Bought list since I heard it was being released!

Forbidden love is one of the sexiest things going, in my opinion. A little danger always makes a relationship exciting. My first erotic romance release, Full Disclosure, which I'm giving away to a commenter here today, was a story about an older woman, Holly, and a younger man, Alex. Holly's never been with a younger man before, especially not one twelve years younger. But Alex's not about to be deterred, because he never lets anything stand in the way of what he wants. And he wants Holly, again and again and again...

My upcoming erotic novella, Personal Research, which releases September 17th from Ellora's Cave, also deals with the forbidden. Elena finds herself intrigued by a hot Italian man who works at her office, only she has no idea he's her boss's nephew! With office romances strictly discouraged, she definitely has to fight an internal war between what she wants and what she needs. I won't tell you which part of her wins, but the journey is definitely explosive!

What about you? Why do you think the forbidden holds so much appeal? Is it because people secretly relish the idea of getting caught? Or does that extra hint of danger intensify your emotions?

Cari Quinn's bio and website

Cari Quinn wrote her first story - a bible parable - in 2nd grade, much to the delight of the nuns at her Catholic school. Once she saw the warm reception that first tale garnered, she was hooked. She attempted her first romance in junior high, long before she'd ever read one. Writing what she knew always took a backseat to what she wanted to know, and that still holds true today. Cari's genres of choice include contemporary, romantic comedy, romantic suspense, urban fantasy and paranormal. Recently she discovered erotic romance. Oh, how far she's come.

Hehehe, Cari, I love your bio!! Cari is offering a download of her scorching hot debut, Full Disclosure, to one lucky commenter! What is it about the forbidden that holds so much appeal? The danger of being caught red-handed (or red faced!) Or does that element intensify your emotions?

Again I apologise for not being around for the next few hours! But I'm sure Nathan or Johnny will be only too willing to supply rum and neck rubs. Clive will be temporarily unavailable...

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