Day Three ~ Robyn Grady

My second guest on day three is Award-winning, bestselling Silhouette Desire and Modern Heat author Robyn Grady ! I first met up with Robbie years ago on the eHarlequin boards (as it happens, I met a lot of my wonderful writer friends through eHarlequin) and we finally got to meet for real in Sydney last month. Yay! was such good fun :-) And here she is to talk about Ancient Times (and I have a feeling Gerard Butler may well get a mention!!!)

Did someone mention gorgeous heroes, bone-melting romance and ‘Ancient Times’?

Thanks for inviting me to your fabulous launch party, Christina, and pass the champagne!! I’m *so* excited for you. I can’t wait to devour Forbidden.

As you know, I’m a fan of sizzling love stories from any era but there’s something both blissfully raw and uniquely special when a tale takes me back to an age where a man can truly be a man and that one lucky woman has no hope of resisting him.

We could look at (and I know you do often, Christina!) Clive Owen and the brilliant new twist that story brought to the legend of King Arthur. It’s that skirt. That bristled square jaw. It’s the fact he’s willing to die for what he believes in. And beyond anything, Arturo believes in courage, beauty of spirit and the strength of love.

Go Aussie, Russell Crowe, with his portrayal of larger-than-life Maximus! Not only was the man intelligent, a supreme leader and (let’s never forget) built, the need to avenge the death of his one love and child propelled and gave heart-pounding emotion to an already uber charged tale. (Loved Joaquin as the baddie, btw)

Now to my favorite of all favorites. I see you all smiling and nodding and visualizing the story…the MAN. 300. I have the DVD. My husband will attest to the fact, I play it often. Take a look at that pic. Why the heck wouldn’t !?!? I love every second of that story, not least of all, that amazing love scene. Behind every great ancient times man is a great ancient times woman (and, might I say, vice versa!) There are no limits. No restraints. No end to the thrills and excitement!

Forgive me if I go a little over the top. But that’s what these stories do to me. And I just know I’m going to adore Forbidden.

Congratulations, Christina!!!!

Thank you Robbie! But how did you guess who my very secret fantasy squeeze is? *heh heh* Robbie is offering a copy of her latest Harlequin Presents Extra/Modern Heat book, Fired Waitress, Hired Mistress, which received an awesome 4 stars from RT BOOK Reviews! - or a hard copy of Every Girl's Secret Fantasy to one lucky commenter!! So what is it about men in skirts that we find so utterly irresistible?

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