
What a wonderful week this has been!! Thank you to everyone who's helped make this party so fabulous. Thank you to all my lovely guests, and all my fantastic visitors, you've made this week unforgettable!

But!! The goodness isn't over yet!!

We still have the three winners of day six coming up later today, and then there will be the draw for the fab-four book bundle! So exciting!!

In my excitement yesterday, I put the wrong link up for Romance Bandits *smacks head* The sidebar linked OK but the one in my post went off for a little wander. There's still time to hop over and say hi!!

I'm also over chatting with the lovely Rita at Not Another Romance Blog, where I'm happy to answer questions on my Roman/Druid world. And hot warriors. I'm always happy to discuss hot warriors *heh heh* There is a copy of Forbidden up for grabs at both blogs!

I'm also thrilled with two more reviews that came through over the last couple of days.

Has at The Book Pushers gave Forbidden a wonderful B Review, and here is a snippet:

"The sexy elements of the book did not overpower the plot or the characterisation, but added to their love story. The real heart of the book is the emotional elements between them, and I really liked how that was played out throughout the book. Although the well written love scenes added a sensual layer of heat and passion, and *fans self*, I will never think of Roman Baths the same way again." The rest of this review can be found here

And Becky Pena at Fresh Fiction:

"FORBIDDEN is full of erotic goodness and endless action. Carys and her lover are not helpless beings but both use faith to succeed. A good chunk of this novel is about a woman's inner struggle between what she believes and what she desires, and her unwavering faith in a goddess who may have abandoned her. You will love this novel and agree when I say... I can't wait for the next installment in the Forbidden series." The rest of the review can be found here.

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