Happy New Year!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful festive season. I had a fabulous time with family and ate far too much as usual! The kittens enjoyed climbing the Christmas tree which was fine until one of them climbed too high and fell off, dragging a couple of stars with her. Fun :-)
The weather has been scorching here for the last couple of weeks. I'm talking hitting the 100 degree mark, and our drought continues even as the rest of Australia is suffering from awful flooding. Today is cloudy and it's raining but the heat is still pretty stifling. With all the weird weather everywhere I'm trying not to think about 2012 :-)
Writing wise I haven't done any since before Christmas Eve, but I have been working on the Captive blog tour which starts... quite soon really!! I have a couple of guest posts lined up towards the end of January, and I'll give more details when I know them.
How is everyone? What did you get up to for NewYear's Eve? We ended up watching the latest season of Bones on DVD!!!
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