Conferences & Email or lack thereof

So the San Fran conference is upon us which means nearly everyone I know has flown off to the US!! Lucky things. I'm looking forward to detailed reports and lots of photos next week.

And my email isn't working. The internet is, but not my email. I kept hitting Send/Receive in the hope I might trick it and the server would magically let my emails through, but nope. I hate not getting my emails, I feel very isolated. And besides, I might have a Very Important Email out there in cyberspace, just sort of floating around and it makes me twitchy. I tried fiddling with all the connections and rebooting the computer but obviously it needs a sniff of a Y chromosone before complying. Blahhhhhh.

The NZ conference is in two and a half weeks and I've already started packing. Well sort of. Just getting the toiletry bits and pieces together. I have a paranoid fear of forgetting something desperately important (such as shampoo because, after all, it's impossible to buy shampoo in NZ... er, yeah...) well anyway. I find it exciting seeing my hot purple luggage out, and since it's out I might as well start to fill it!!

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