Toora, Loora, Loora

I think the Florida State University College of Engineering has combined forces with their School of Chemistry and released into the air an experimental biological warhead containing spores which induce narcoleptic-like symptoms in all living forms.
This weekend was spent fighting the need, no the physical necessity for sleep not only by me but almost every human being I spoke with. I took a nap Saturday morning….MORNINGbefore lunchtime for crying out loud. When I spoke to my mother, my ex-MIL, and my best friend all three of them had napped Saturday as well. It affected the young and old alike.

Even Spawnette, who usually slithers to her Moravian sarcophagus just as dawn is breaking, had succumbed to a comatose slumber by seven thirty last night; the dog right there at her side.

If the trend continues, I’ve considered purchasing the new and improved SGE 400 complete with the Drager 40mm NBC Filter. I have five days to get my work at the office caught up with nothing sitting on my desk. The Spawn and I are leaving for a weeks vacation and I want nothing… hear me NOTHING standing in the way of a totally and completely irrelevant and meaningless vacation. A vacation spent drinking beer by the poolside and reminiscing with my girl Kat about all of the trouble she caused during our years in high school.

Crap, you already read yesterday’s post, didn’t you? I like to pretend I was a sweet, kind, and caring young lady back in my teen years. Can you guys play along with me, please?

I haven’t yet figured out what has been causing the need to sleep. I have hypotheses other than airborne pathogens expelled into the air with malicious intent to infect the good people of Tallahassee with experimental bioweaponry but I’m going with my first suggested explanation for now.

Sleep well, my Brethren, and dream of peace.

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