Sibling Harmony

I’ve been quite busy this past week so I am hoping to spend the day catching up on blogs I haven’t been able to read lately. I didn’t have a chance to write anything this morning but with a stroke of luck, a shortage of never-ending thunderstorms, and no unexpected trips the ER, I’ll get some free time later to actually write a story and not just copy what I posted on my photo blog.

I haven’t really taken the time to introduce you to either of my siblings. Let me take a moment to present my little brother. In our younger years, older sister and I would take turns tormenting him by convincing him the things we asked him to do were actually cool, not gross or dangerous. There was the naked run around the block right as the garden club was leaving the church, the trip down the laundry shoot to determine the strength of the clothes “cage” at the bottom, and the drinking of pee to establish his chance of survival should he ever become ship wrecked on a deserted island.

I don’t think it was our treatment of him left too many lasting scars on his perception of life as we know it, just a little one here and there. (Okay, my sister will burst a vein when she reads this and I don’t admit that…maybe….most of these things were my idea)

This is Finnie:
Isn’t he handsome?
This is Finnie enjoying a day of family fun:
Isn’t he athletic?

This is some of the equipment used to measure his athleticism:
Isn’t that nice?

I swear it's ALL my sister's fault he turned out this way - she's a cruel, cruel, soul.

Okay, so maybe not but she's far enough away that I can blame it all on her.

Love ya!
Mean it!

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