Dr. Zibbs tagged me after seeing how much fun I had with the
Secret Santa Can Suck It gift exchange. In a heart-warming act of kindness, our Dr. Z. has started “
The That Blue Yak Crappy Gifts for Sick People Stockpile.” He proposed that we make a list of gifts that MIGHT be given to some sick people and we just send that list to a place where sick people are with the hopes that “some rich dude will see the list and buy all of the presents for the sick people.” But to make this exchange a little more challenging he feels that we really shouldn’t waste our time, efforts, or money on sick people as they will most likely just cough on it anyway or something but hey….isn’t it the thought that counts?
So here’s what we were to do:
1) Pick a crappy gift for the That Blue Yak Crappy Gifts For Sick People Stockpile and post it on your site.
2) Pick 5 bloggers that you think might want to open their hearts and pick a crappy gift.
3) Link back to this post.
4) And if you really want to get into heaven, write, "I POSTED A CRAPPY GIFT" in the comments section of this post so we can see the crappy gifts you picked.
After much thought, soul searching, and two sushi rolls I decided upon the following to be added to the crappy gift stockpile exchange:

A pair of hand-made maxi-pad slippers. Not only will this fabulous gift fit snuggly to our invalid’s foot (because these are adjustable to just about any size) they provide warmth, comfort, and the ability to pick up hazardous waste material dropped on the floor by those uncaring and thoughtless nurses. I tried to find a holiday pair but was unsuccessful so first thing this morning…….okay third thing this morning (I needed coffee and a cigarette) a made this fabulous pair myself. Note the holiday garland and berries make a perfectly ordinary pair of maxi-pads a festive holiday treat.
I didn't tag anyone because knowing the few that will read this, some of you guys will take it upon yourselves to just do it for the fun of it. So go ahead, take a walk on the wild side and visit That Blue Yak for some more exciting holiday gift ideas!
p.s. I really did make the slippers.....think Spawnette will wear them?
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