It's finally arrived!!! Today is the day the partying starts! And as you can see, some brave warriors have dropped by to help me pass the time (and ye gods but look at the shortness of their skirts!! Are those really Brad's legs?)
In a few hours the party will kick off for real with the first of my fantabulous guests. But I have more juicy goodness to share first! During the next week, up until 7th September when Forbidden hits the shelves, I'm running another contest.

The prize is a fabulous four book bundle - At the Billionaire's Beck and Call? by Silhouette Desire author Rachel Bailey, Sweetest Little Sin by Berkley Sensation author Christine Wells, Forbidden by Berkley Heat author Christina Phillips (me!) and a choice of either Claiming His Bought Bride or The Blackmailed Bride's Secret Child by Rachel Bailey.

This wonderful giveaway will go to the person who comments on the most party posts over the next week. How easy is that? And in the event of a tie, then the names will go into a draw. So now there's even more reason to get into the party mood!!!
Don't forget to pop back later to welcome my first guest, Rachel Bailey!!
And in the meantime, feel free to ask my fearless warriors for whatever you need!!!
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