Hi! I'm Chelsea. I work full-time as a stay-at-home mom with two little kids. My Son is 3 and my Daughter is 9 months old! I'm married to the most patient and goofy guy.
I started Aqua Poppy Designs in June 2008. Aqua Poppy comes from a few things...I love the color Aqua (I seem to gravitate to anything this color!) and what girl doesn't love flowers?! Plus, I just love the name "Poppy".
In this world anything is possible...so why not an Aqua Poppy!
I create custom blog designs and free blog backgrounds for fun and would absolutely love to make you happy by spicing up your blog and making it more unique!
This is something that I wanted to do ever since I got sucked into the blogging world. I feel honored to be able to create something special for you, along with the talents of some pretty awesome designers that I love! A very special thank you to them!!
In my spare time, I love clicking away on my Nikon D90 camera and aspire to become a professional someday. Check out my personal Photography blog {Capture Simplicity}. I also love to crochet baby beanies! These are a few things I like to do when I'm not designing.
But first and foremost I love spending time with family!
Life is sweet and good.
Your nice comments make designing custom blogs and free blog backgrounds fun to do...
so keep them coming!! :) Thank you for stopping by.
If you would like to contact me...
My working business days are Monday-Thursday. (I do not work on Holidays)
My working business hours vary from day to day!
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