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I've hit my stride with my next erotic romance. The characters won't leave me alone, and I'm thinking about them at all sorts of inappropriate moments, such as when I'm supposed to be helping my son with his homework or chatting to my daughters or husband. Luckily they're used to me living in my own little world and don't get too miffed when I'm clearly not with them!!

I had a little squeee moment over the weekend when I was browsing through the Wild Rose Press site and came upon My book! and Me! in the Coming Soon section! Yes that was a definite omg moment. So much so that I had to wake my husband up and drag him to the computer so he could witness this event!! I'm of the mind that there are so many setbacks along this road, that we have to take every little good thing and celebrate!!

Coming Soon!

I'm thrilled to welcome fellow Wild Rose Press author, Hywela Lyn, who has bravely agreed to answer my hard hitting interview questions!! Lyn's novel, Starquest, is being released today, Friday 29th August 2008, from The Wild Rose Press.
Lyn, over to you!

Thanks for inviting me, Christina. I'm really happy to be here, as well as being very excited about the release of my futuristic romance, 'Starquest'.

Can you tell us a little about your book, Starquest?

It's the story of a young woman's search for the man she loves. She has partially lost her memory and all she knows is that he is the second in command of a starship called 'The Destiny'. She has several adventures along the way, on strange and alien planets. Friendships are formed, sacrifices are made and before she finds her HEA she nearly loses everything before realising what she was searching for was closer than she suspected. I recently made a trailer which is up on my website and gives a 'flavour' of the story.
How did the idea for the plot come about?

It started as a short story. There was a certain actor I really fancied, and being keen on science fiction and fantasy, I set him aboard a starship and created a heroine for him to love. However. I grew even fonder of my heroine than I did of him, and at the end of the short story I knew there was more - much more. So I just kept on writing.

I love sale stories (ok I am just nosy!!) so can you tell us about your road to publication - and your call story?

I had several short stories published over the years and didn't do much with 'Starquest', other than give it to some friends to read. I actually put the original MS away in a drawer for several years, while I dealt with a personal tragedy, a move, three horses and a dog as well as a full time job. Then a few years ago, when I had married Dave and moved from Wales to England, my sister asked me if I would look after her house, dogs and horses in a remote and beautiful part of Wales, while she was in Canada for a month. Of course I jumped at the chance to go back to my beloved homeland. Leaving my long suffering husband, Dave to look after my own horses, my dog and I headed for Wales. I took Starquest along on disc and while I was there, completely revamped it. After finding a wonderful Scot to be my crit partner (we corresponded by email, but I did meet him and his wife when we visited Scotland) I sent it off to several British agents with no success. One evening, by chance, I saw the Wild Rose Press mentioned on one of the Writing Groups I belong to. I sent off an enquiry and was thrilled to be asked for a partial, and then the full. After several months, I had to go into hospital for an operation on my hip. The day I came out of hospital, Dave said there was an email from the Wild Rose Press. I couldn 't get to the computer physically, and he made me wait while he downloaded the whole document and printed it out. I didn't even know it was a Contract until he gave it to me to read! What a coming home present!
We are all about the love here, so please share your fave books, movies, TV shows or current fantasy squeeze (it's all in the line of research!)

I don't watch much TV these days (I spend all my time on the pc). I've just read the 'Earthsea' series by Ursula Le Guin. Although it's not strictly speaking romance, it's a wonderful fantasy series and eventually the two main characters find each other again and realise their feelings for each other, even though it's a little late in life. I think my favourite romance of all time has to be 'Gone With The Wind', both the book and the movie. I love historical America and Westerns, I think it was such a romantic period of history. I read a wide variety of novels and love anything in the distant past or the far future. I'm not really one for contemporary stories, unless they're very well done. I don't really feel this century is a very romantic one although there are many wonderful authors out there who seem to be able to find romance in the most unlikely places. For me the setting and background need to be romantic too, either unspoilt landscapes or the beauty of space and the stars. I love a hero who is strong but gently - and a heroine who is also strong but feminine. I don't like heroes who are bullies or heroines who are so independent they have lost all their femininity. I like a heroine to be self-sufficient but to be able to ask for help when it's needed. I love that moment when the h and h realise they are more than just 'friends'.

What are you working on now?
I'm just starting work on the edits for the sequel to 'Starquest' 'Children Of The Mist'. I'm also mulling over a second story for the Wild Rose Press's 'Song Of The Muses' series and toying with an idea for a third story in the 'Starquest' series, although that's pretty tentative at the moment.

How can readers keep up with your writing and books?

I have a website: and a Blog:

I also have a My Space

I have a 'Starquest' My Space for my heroine:

and one for the heroine of 'Dancing With Fate' my story in the muse series:

I also have several Author Pages, including one at the Polka Dot Banner :

My Blog and the My Spaces can also be reached from my website.

Thanks so much

Starquest - Hywela Lyn

Hooray! The 5th full length entry in Nalini Singh's Psy/Changeling world is due to hit the shelves on September 2nd and Nalini's holding a fun contest on her blog all about being a hostage to pleasure with a great prize up for grabs (unfortunately the prize doesn't happen to be Lucas or Vaughn or Judd or Clay... but a girl can dream...!) So hop on over and enter!

Hostage to Pleasure

New designs! 
Jaci wanted a "lil' Poppy" design to go along with my FREE background called Natural. 

Emily's blog, Stark Raving Cello, is so unique to her own style and I am loving how it all turned out!  She wanted a custom link button and custom side-bar titles, so go check out her blog and see all the designs. 
The Custom buttons are a little blurry, here, because they are stretched a little, but they don't look like that on their sites.  

Handmade Showcase is a fabulous blog all about GIVEAWAYS!  What's better than that?! It's great, you've gotta check it out.  Again, the button here is a little blurry, but on her site it's not. 

This blog post was written early Saturday morning on my laptop with very little battery juice. The power was knocked out at my house in the middle of the night Friday and it has yet to be restored. A tree fell on the line that leads to my house and blew a hole in the meter joint. (Pictures to be downloaded tonight.) I had an electrician come by yesterday late afternoon to tell me there was nothing he could do until this morning. But that wasn’t the bad news. Due to the age of my home, none of the wiring is up to code. So….my mom is having knee replacement surgery tomorrow morning and will be in extended care for a week to ten days. The spawn and I will be crashing at her place until the wiring is done at our house.

Fay……you’re a bitch!

So this is what I woke up to this morning.

But weirder still, half of my house has electricity and half of my house does not. I had electricity throughout the house when I woke up this morning a little before 7:00. But as I sat here downloading pictures to share with you guys, the lights flickered, I heard a that well know BOOM of a breaker box blowing up in the distance and BAM, no electricity for the master bath, bedroom, and half of my kitchen. Half of my kitchen??? What the hell is up with that? At least the half of the kitchen that has electricity is the half that my coffee pot and TV are on.

So now I sit and wait for Mr. Electricity Man to show up at my house and cut the tree away from the line so that he can reattach the wires to the house. I’m thinking maybe Mr. Man should hurry as branches are falling from the trees into my yard and crashing onto the roof. It’s kinda freaking me out a tad.

Hope he’s hot; maybe I’ll tell him he has a nice ass if he is.

Pulling the night shift tonight and tomorrow night so I still won’t be around much. You’d think people that live in Florida would prepare themselves for hurricane season. THIS IS FLORIDA PEOPLE – DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE MOVING DOWN HERE!

Come ON Fay, Get A Move On Already……….

I though I'd post a few more photos from the conference. Here are three of the witches, Amanda, me and Sara, in our Saturday night finery.

One of the tea breaks where I consumed far too many yummy scones and cream than was good for me.

Amanda chatting to Jenny Hatton, assistant editor at Mills and Boon.

Here I am up on stage collecting my certificate for the Meet the Editor contest. From l-r Pam, Bron, Toni, Cindy Hwang (senior editor at Berkley) me and Anne Gracie, Prez of the RWAustralia who collected certificates for Aussie finalists could couldn't attend, and MC-ing was Tessa Radley. Ellie can just be seen standing off stage.

Cindy's feedback on my entry was priceless, and gave me a lot to think about!

Anyway back to reality! I've sent my revisions off to the witches for their input. I've also joined the Clayton's Conference for those not attending the Melbourne conf this weekend, run by the dynamic duo Sandie and RC. I don't know where they get their energy from but I wouldn't mind some of it!!!

RWNZ Conference 2008 Part Two

It's 9:30 p.m. I'm home, hungry, and ready to drop. Gonna grab a cajun turkey sam'ich, strip off my clothes, crawl into bed and crash. Have a meeting and need to be at the office ready to go no later than 5:30 tomorrow morning.

Think I got enough time for one lil beer? Sure could use one.

I'm sleepy.........

Holy Crap

While I was playing away at conference (I mean working hard at conference) my editor and cover artist, the fabulous Angela Anderson, created the most amazing cover for my book. It's dark and sexy and has the gothic feel I wanted. And just look at that brooding hero! OMG. I'm so in love with it. So are my two daughters and if it comes to that my husband is smitten too! Although I think he's probably more interested in the heroine but that's fine by me, as so far he's printed out three copies of the cover (one for me, one each for our girls) and used up all his coloured ink in the process. And didn't even mind!!!
I'd love to know what you think!
In other news I've also received my second round of edits so will be diving into them today. My editor hopes it won't be too long before details of Foretaste of Forever are up on TWRP website. Squeeeee!!! I've had so much excitement this week it's probably illegal!!

We Have Cover!!!

I remembered to take photos! Hooray!

Sara Hantz, Amanda Ashby and me, three of the witches (although fourth witch Pat was with us in spirit!) This was taken on Friday during tea break. The Friday all day workshop with Margie Lawson was phenomenal. Margie used to teach psychology and communication courses at post-graduate level, and her workshop showed us how to add power to our words by using fresh writing to evoke an instinctive and emotional response in the reader. If you ever have the chance to attend one of Margie's workshops - do it!!!! I had so many lightbulb moments during her workshop I sizzled.

Here I am with Giovanna Lee and Sara, all glammed up for the Saturday night Awards Dinner. The theme was Moonlight and Midnight and although it doesn't show in the photo, we all had silver glitter in our hair!

Ellie Huse, NZ contest co ordinator extraordinare!

Friday Night Cocktails with Mills and Boon fab author, Susan Napier. Yes I am holding two glasses of wine and no, they are not both mine!!! (I apologise for not being chronological about this, but blogger is a bugger for posting photos)

Here I am hanging out with the lovely Nalini Singh at the Harlequin Cocktail bash. Just one glass of wine this time.

Here are the London Chickies!!! Talking to the gorgeous Rachel Collins was just like talking to my mates back in sunny Croydon!

This was after the Saturday Awards dinner. I think I might have been sliding off my chair by this time, but the lovely Barb Jeffcott Geris gamely kept me propped upright for the photo!!

Amanda, Sara, Margie Lawson and yours truly.

Three of the Meet the Editor finalists - Toni, me and Pam. Thank you Suzanne Perazzini for taking the photo!

Carolyn, Sandy and multi-pubbed author and editor at The Wild Rose Press (not my editor though!) Cheryl Wright. Aka The Aussie Quartet (minus one - I was taking the photo). We did grab hold of an innocent bystander to take another one of all of us together (and yes funny you should ask he did so happen to be young and male... and appeared a bit terrified as we yelled and beckoned him over!) But I decided to go for this one as I looked well past my sell by date in the other. This was Sunday night after the conference had finished, and almost everyone had gone home. We had dinner and a great chinwag. It was fantastic, and a brilliant way to end an amazing weekend.

I arrived home late Monday night, and didn't check my mail until Tuesday. And I have the most exciting news to share!!! And I'm going to share it tomorrow!!!

RWNZ Conference 2008

If you read yesterday's post you're one of thirteen that know I was activated last night and on the job by 06:00 this morning. Activated for what? Good question as we were asking the same thing.

There was worry of a hurricane hitting The Keys and heading straight up the state of Florida. Monroe County (where The Keys are) had some evacuations, shelters were assembled for those that had nowhere else to go, and logistic staging areas were set up to assist in getting things where they needed to be (water, ice, meds, oxygen, etc.) Too bad they didn't ship me out to one of the LSA's as that's where the military guys are. HOOYAH!

So as I had meteorizationalized yesterday, we didn't have a hurricane, we had a thunderstorm. Yes the weather is still bad over the lower-half of the state but the peninsula called Florida is not going to fall into the depths of the Atlantic or the Gulf of Mexico. We may have a flood or two but no one will be washed away never to be heard from again....we hope.

I know one or two of you are wondering what exactly it is I do. Well, to put it in layman’s terms I sit in a big room, receive missions that have been assigned to our group (which is responsible for “health stuff” i.e. water, ice, oxygen, portable toilets, sanitation stations, special needs shelters for displaced hospitals, etc.) telling us who needs what, when, where, and why. I then get on the horn, order “stuff”, and finally make sure the “stuff” gets delivered.

Look, there’s me helping to supervise the minions:
Wow, how exciting is that, folks??? BUT, I can also have the ability to tell my family and friends where it’s safe to be in the event of a disaster, how to get there via roads that have not been closed, and where to go in the event of an evacuation. Yeah, that’s kinda cool.

So it boils down to no deployment for me this storm; I’ll be staying right here in good old Tallahassee. Tomorrow will be another twelve hour day BUT I’ll be saving all the old people and telling them where to go.

And in my own special way, too.
I'll be catching up with all of my blogging friends as soon as I'm back to normal hours. Stay safe!

Tropical Storm Update

fay (f ) - noun - fairy or an elf. [Middle English faie, enchanted person or place, from Old French fae.]

I the world of Webster’s, “fay” may mean fairy or elf but not in the world of Marnie. Nope, today this is Fay:

(The Weather Channel)

This graphic shows the projected path of tropical storm-force wind speeds from Fay over the next 72 hours. (NOAA)
I have been activated as of 10:00 this morning. A tropical storm warning with the potential landfall of a cat 1 or even a cat 2 storm validated the Governor issuing a State of Emergency which means that I, as a logistics supervisor, have been called upon to assist the people of the State of Florida in preparation of a possible disaster. Now remember, it doesn’t take much for an excess of damage to take place; in 2005, Wilma broke records when she strengthen from a 70-mph tropical storm to a 170-mph category 5 hurricane in just twenty-four hours.

Now what, you ask, do I see in my future for this activation as far as disaster relief and such? I see a really big thunder storm hitting the keys and heading up the west coast of Florida. I see a bunch of guys just WAITING for a storm to hit so that they can go forth and “save the world”. I see more time away from my kids and less time spent at home. I see some storm surge and a bit of flooding but nothing that will bring people’s every day lives to a screeching halt.

But then again I’m not a meteorologist; I just play one in my mind.

Don’t know how long I’m going to be gone but I am to in at 17:00 hrs and start preparing for the worst.

Stay safe, stay cool, stay tuned.

Where Are The Fairies And Elves When I Need Them?

It's Pink Saturday...

Spawnette called around four o’clock this afternoon asking me to chaperone her and her friend, “Visigoth”, to see an “R” rated movie. Nothing sexually explicit or raunchy. No, they wanted to see a scary movie.

I love scary movies.

I got the movie time, location, and cash and was ready to go. As this is a weekend with FAPOS (i.e. dad) I told Spawnette I would meet them at the theatre and take the two of them home afterward.

Five o’clock the call comes.

They cancelled on me.

Well damn, those were the only plans I had for the weekend. I have nothing else to do but wash clothes, dust the house, scrub toilets, and bathe the dog and they had the balls to cancel on me?? Well piss on it, I went by myself.

I went to see the early show of the new Keefer Sutherland movie. He’s not one of my favorites but the girls had psyched me up for a scary movie so I purchased my ticket, got my snack (you cannot go to the movies without popcorn; it’s sacrilege) and grabbed a seat right in the middle – halfway up and halfway in…..the perfect spot.

It was the 5:40 show so I wasn’t expecting too many others in the audience. There were eleven others besides myself and one really creepy guy that had his hands behind his back while walking the rows the full ten minutes before the show started.

I failed to mention that I have this irrational fear. Okay, one of many but let’s not go there today because I’ve been in a pensive mood for the past two days.

I don’t look into mirrors in a dark room. I don’t want to lift my eyes and see someone looking back at me. Someone from the other-side, dead, no longer living, with milky white eyes and a death pallor to their skin. You know that lost, malevolent soul is going to reach through that mirror, grab you by the throat, and slither over the edge to finish you off.

Mirrors in dark rooms are scary.

I went to see Mirrors.

I rushed home before the sun set, turned on lots of lights, and am now sitting at the kitchen table with the hallway door closed and the dog by my side.

Cooper weighs a hundred pounds.

Cooper is a pussy.

I’m not going to the bathroom until my bladder is ready to bust so I guess I should slow down on the beer. Only one problem; the movie has now made me apprehensive of all reflective surfaces. Jeez-mo-ninnies, there are a LOT of windows in my house.
Great, I’m a pussy, too.

SHIT… backdoor isn’t locked and with my luck that scary guy from the theatre will come bursting through the storm door, grab me by the throat and slither over the table to finish me off.

I. Love. Scary. Movies.

Don’t Look In The Mirror

I was perusing some of the blogs I read on a regular basis and finally got around to Let The Dog In! She doesn’t do “Wordless Wednesday” oh, no, no, no, not this classy chick. She does “Learn A Word Wednesday”. I actually love learning new words so I await her new word every Wednesday in order to further my already copious vocabulary with yet another component. My favorite word up until today had been “claque”. (I want my claque to consist of a group of hard bodies with six-pack abs, thank you very much.)

Yesterday’s word for the day was “persiflage”. It’s like chocolate melting on your tongue. Say it with me; “persiflage”. I copied this directly from her blog but I’m sure she won’t mind. (If she does we’ll battle it out later.)

\PUR-suh-flahzh\ noun:
Frivolous or bantering talk; a frivolous manner of treating any subject, whether serious or otherwise; light raillery.

Persiflage comes from French, from persifler, “to banter,” from per-, “thoroughly” (from Latin) + siffler, “to hiss, to whistle,” ultimately from Latin sibilare, “to hiss (at), to whistle.”

She had a short yet entertaining post about hissing in blogs then posed the question of whether or not we were hissers ourselves. Moi? A hisser? Not me, I tend to be more of a sarcastic kinda gal. So in my infamous style I wiki’d “sarcasm” to see from whence this delectable word hailed.

I was shocked. I had no idea. No really, it’s worse than I thought and not even mildly funny.

\SAHR-kaz-uh m\ noun:
A harsh or bitter derision or irony; a sharply ironical taunt; a sneering or cutting remark.

“Sarcasm” appeared in English in 1579, from Late Latin "sarcasmos," in turn from Hellenistic or Medieval Greek "sarkasmos," and ancient Greek σαρκάζω (sarkazo, meaning 'to tear flesh').

To tear flesh.

Okay, it’s more than mildly funny but I thought I’d try my hand at “compassion” just this once.

\kuh m-PASH-uh n\ noun:
a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

Well I guess that was as good as me telling a baby not to fart, not gonna happen. This confirms what we already know; sarcasm is my language of choice, thank you very much.

Anyone need a Band-Aid?

A \lur-nid\ Language

The day before the spawn and I left for our end of the summer hoorah family vacation, we spent the day at Wakulla Springs attending a family reunion. As I mentioned before, many of these family members traveled from AlaBAMa, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Georgia. I was so excited about the photo opportunities and stories this gathering would provide that I peed my pants just thinking about it a couple of days before the event.

It was not what I was expecting.

No missing teeth, protruding ears, lopsided eyes, or clubbed feet. Oh no indeed. Instead, we had three carat diamond rings living in four thousand square foot homes. We had Cadillac and BMW’s; Prada and Coach, Manolo Blahnik and Via Spiga. Where were the overalls and suspenders, the lower lip full of dip, and the inbred children of Uncle Cletus and Aunt Pearl? People, this was NOT the South we see in the MGM featured horror movie of the week. This was not Wrong Turn or its sequel. This was a party for a group of Southern Antebellum women minus the hooped skirts and parasols. My nephew is currently ranked thirteenth in the nation for pre-calculus so I didn’t even get a taste of slow-wittedness from cousin Earl.

I was so disappointed.

All I got was this; a picture of a picture of a man and wife no one knew or remembered. But what a great picture, huh?
Where WERE you guys?!?!?!?
On a side note, I took a bunch of pictures of the Springs. It’s a beautiful place of raw beauty bursting with wildlife. I’ll be posting some of the pictures on my photo blog but thought you guys would get a kick outta this.

This is a picture from the pier within the swimming area (note the floating cone in the lower right-hand corner.) But wait! What do mine eyes behold?

Let’s focus in a bit closer, shall we?
You got it, that’s an eight foot alligator gliding through the waters just beyond the swimming hole.

Reason #2 why I don’t go swimming in Wakulla Springs.

What The Hell Kind of Southern Family Reunion Was That?

I know - you're waiting for stories from my vacation because I was gone so long; still drafting them out so please be patient.
While on vacation I was tagged by Random Chick with a meme. The rules are simple: Google "Your name needs" and describe the first ten results. (I didn’t include anything that referenced my blog or comments made on someone else’s blog where I signed my name as this would have really limited the results – it referenced the following blogs: mine more than once, Random Chick, whatigotsofar, catscratchdiva, and memarielane. Considering I only got about 5,600 total links in my search, this wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.)

Just about anything you want – for FREE! Lots of stuff if you’re wanting to become a drag queen.

A memo on safety first at work from Diagnostic Laboratories Services, Inc. Crap, they found out about my HAZMAT suit, didn’t they?

A review of the Grateful Dead concert that took place at the Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterey California in July of 1988. Did you know that a couple of Deadheads camped out on the grounds of a U.S. Army rifle range resulting in the Dead being banned from playing there ever again? Me neither! Go figure!

Lyrics to the songs from the Magical Mystery Tour album first released in 1967. Too bad I’m not a Beatles fan…..not even a little, tiny bit.

An “unofficial” DisneyWiki site referencing Michael Yagoobina, AKA, the Bowler Hat Guy from the feature film Meet The Robinsons. Meet the Robinsons is a computer-animated film and the 46th animated feature produced by Walt Disney Pictures. It is based on the children's book, A Day with Wilbur Robinson by William Joyce. Okee-dokee, then.

This is my personal favorite…a review of Elizabeth LaPrelle’s music from her Rain and Snow album. It seems “Elizabeth sounds like she descended straight from the Blue Ridge circa 1920.” Gosh, and I don’t yet have that CD in my collection; gonna run right out and buy THAT one cause Lord knows I love me some banjo pickin’ mountain music!

Take a moment and listen to Elizabeth’s song “Darlin’ Corey

The “bebo” profile of a nineteen year old girl from Dublin who was recently accepted into NCAD! You go Abigail! (NCAD is the The National Collegeof Art & Design located in Dublin.)

Guardian’s Ancient Egypt Discussion Board in which someone is in dire need of pictures of Hatshepsut. Who was Hatshepsut? Well, she was the chief queen of Tuthmosis II, who declared herself King of Egypt. That bitch!

It seems the NHRA may not be returning to E-Town in 2009 due to the death of racer Scott Kalitta who died from injuries suffered during a qualifying accident and there are some pissed off people discussing it.

And finally – an article about a curvaceous Miss Surrey hopeful of her outcome in the Miss England competition that took place in July. Hold on, let me see who won….nope, but she placed second.

Thanks RC, that was a hoot. I'm not officially tagging anyone but if you need to steal something on one of those days you just don't have a thing to bitch about, this was a fun.

Queen Goob Needs......

Henna tattoo
Henna tattoo design Henna tattoo
Henna tattoo design
Henna tattoo design
Henna tattoo

Henna tattoo design

Only two days to go until I'm on my way to New Zealand! There's only one direct flight a day from WA to NZ which is the reason why I'm landing in Auckland at the ungodly hour of 5.45am Thursday morning. Urgh. I really hope the hotel has our room ready early for me, since all I'll want to do when I arrive is collapse!

Just to make things more interesting, daughter #2 was ill with tonsilitis last week. Being a good kind mama, I told her to keep away from me as I didn't want to catch her germs. heh heh. She retaliated by passing it onto her brother. So I now have my son off school with tonsilitis and another associated throat infection, both offspring on antibiotics and I, of course, feel like my eyes are filled with scratching insects and my head is throbbing. If that's not enough, eldest child is moving out tomorrow and is not best pleased that I won't be around for the rest of the week to help her move into her new place. Yes, it's all happening this week, and did I mention my husband decided to rip out the family bathroom? The house looks like a train wreck!!!

Countdown...Two Days

cute hello kitty girly tattoos
cute hello kitty girly tattoos []
lower back girly tattoos
girly tattoos []

star foot girly tattoos
star foot girly tattoos
feminine tattoos; girls tattoo; tattoos girly; girly tattoos; tattoos for women; girly tattoo; tattoo girly; tattoo ladies; girlie tattoos; cute girly

girly tattoos -cute girls tattoo

Unfortunately not from me... since I didn't go...! but if you want to see some pics then Sara Hantz, Nalini Singh and Shelley Munro have posted some great ones. Definitely looks like a great time was had by all!

My first round of edits are done and dusted, and my editor says she is looking forward to reading them! That gave me a bit of a thrill. I should really be getting on with something else but all I can think about is the NZ conference next week and meeting up with everyone again. I'm also wondering whether or not Customs will stop me again. I don't think I look especially suspicious, but apparently I do!!

San Fran Updates

Sexy legs with Flower Tattoo

Sexy legs with Flower Tattoo
Artist Hugo mayen - Dr. Tattoo Studio in Garden Grove
Sexy girl with flower tattoo in her leg.

Sexy legs with Flower Tattoo

This is a new design I just finished.  She wanted a Complete custom blog design.  I made her a button with a scroll box and instructions, an Icon next to her URL address (not always visible on Internet Explorer) and also an Etsy Banner!  Which I'm going to be including as additional add-ons to a Complete blog design!  Go check out her site!  {click on her blog header!}
{Blog header}

{Link Button with scroll box and instructions-check out her site to see it!}

{Etsy Banner}

Credits to designs by krista and Cinzia Loosemore
(I tried posting this morning but lost connection just outside of Macon. We arrive safe and sound to a big party going on so this is the first chance I’ve had to get the rest of the post up.)

We left a few minutes early this morning. However, when the EX (FAPOS for those of you that know and love him) dropped off the kids last night he provided an alternate route for us to take rather than driving all the way on interstate highways. SOOOOO, we started off taking canopy roads and two-lane highways which take us through small towns where the goats are tied to stakes in fronts yards right next to the ever-present plastic fake geese.

So far we’ve only taken two wrong turns.

Here we are passing through Macon. There are lots of homeless people roaming the street. This one looks like he’s had a long morning already and it was only 11:00 a.m. EST.

Here’s Spawnette surfing the web while on the road; isn’t she cute?

We’re back on a main highway headed toward Interstate 20 which we will take the rest of the way into Charlotte.

Hope you guys are having as exciting a day as we are!

p.s. Sampson….you’re watermelon is not yet ready to be taken off the vine; we’ll check it when we get there….see you soon!

Update From The Road

cute henna foot tattoos
henna tattoos foot tattoos []

henna tattoos foot tattoos

There's been soooo much good news coming from San Fran over the weekend, it's making me more jealous than ever that I couldn't make it this year! First of all EC and Berkley author Denise Rossetti won the Passionate Plume Futuristic/Fantasy/SF award for Tailspin and the lovely Anna Campbell won Best long historical for the Booksellers Best Awards with her dark Regency Claiming the Courtesan. Aussie Catherine got The Call face to face from Kathleen Scheibling, editor of Harlequin American Romance, and then NZer Sandra received The Call at 7am in her hotel room from Melissa Jeglinski, editor of Silhouette Desire. I foresee much partying at the NZ conference in celebrations!!!

I also want to give a shout out to fellow Wild Rose Press author Maggie Toussaint. Her novel, House of Lies, won the Best Romantic Suspense for the Readers Choice Awards. She was in the most excellent company, and finalled alongside Roxanne St Claire. Well done Maggie!!!

For anyone interested in how editors' minds work, there's a great interview over at The Wild Rose Press with the Scarlet Rose editors from the erotic romance line. You can catch their words of wisdom here.

Good News & Scarlet Rose Editors

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