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From the Romance Writers of Australia's website:

Romance Writers of Australia inc

proudly presents

The 2010 Romancing The West Conference


Juliet Marillier (
Three time winner of the Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel

Fiona Lowe (
Harlequin Medical author and 2007 Finalist for Romantic Book of the Year. (R*BY).

Fiona Palmer (
Penguin Australia author

Nikki Logan (
Harlequin Sweet author

Plus: giveways and much, much more.

Come and hear some of Australia's leading romance authors talk about the craft of writing and the industry they work in. With interactive tutorials and an author panel, it's a day no aspiring author should miss.

After a day full of information, relax and catch up with your new friends at our post conference dinner.

Saturday 1st May 2010

Metro Hotel
61 Canning Hwy


Pay before 1st April 2010 After 1st April

RWA Members $100 $110

Non-Members $110 $120

Set 2 Course Dinner - $35.00 per head (Drinks not included)

Prices include lunch, morning and afternoon tea

Since the first Perth Roadshow back in 2008, Nikki Logan sold to Harlequin Mills & Boon Romance, Loretta Brabant sold to Avalon Romance, Shona Husk to Samhain, Michelle Diener to Pocket Books and yours truly to Berkley.

2010 Romancing The West Conference

And another week vanishes. I swear, I don't know where this year's gone. Is it really the end of February already? How did that even happen?

It is SO hot here. Summer is going out in a furnace. Our front lawn is straw and our bushes are drooping and I keep having to leave my office and go stand in front of the air con in the family room.

I have, however, been very good with my writing this week and am on target to hit 90k by the weekend. On the down side, that doesn't mean the book will be finished!! But at least I've pushed through a lot of the fog and problems resolved themselves in ways that happily satisfied me. Now all I have to do is find some way to actually get Bren and Morwyn together for their HEA!!

On Target

I'm always fascinated to read about other sides of the publishing business (possibly because I'm just plain nosy!!) While blog hopping earlier today I came across a very interesting interview with the fabulous Kate Seaver, Senior Editor at Berkley (who truly is fabulous and I love the fact she's my editor!!!) over at the Witchy Chicks.

Kate chats about the most common mistakes she sees from those pitching their work to her at conferences and offers tips to aspiring writers. She also gives insights into her typical (and dream!) working day.

And a quick update on my wip, CAPTIVE. Just hit 80k. From now on I'm counting down... so I have 10k to go. I'm hoping to wrap it up next weekend!!

Insights from an Editor

Well I've clearly been living under a rock lately, as I had NO idea the BBC had made a remake of the old 70s series, Survivors. I only found out by accident the other day when blog hopping and saw it was now being shown in the US.

The original series totally hooked me. Even after all these years I can recall the sense of horror as everyone dropped dead! (I was very young at the time, I might add!!) I'd like to watch this new series as a form of nostalgia - anyone seen it? And if you remember the original series how does it compare?

On another note, are Avon books sold in the UK and if so are they easily available? Inquiring minds want to know...

Remember the BBC's SURVIVORS?

The other week I mentioned how a Roman Circus had recently been unearthed in Colchester, England. Probably the most well-known movie example of "a day at the races" is the chariot scene in Ben Hur. The Colchester site has been likened to the Wembley Stadium of its day - how awesome is that! And here is that famous chariot race

I don't know how many times I've watched this movie as I was growing up but I've yet to see the infamous red car in the background! Has anyone else seen it, or is it an urban legend?

Chariot Racing at Wembley Stadium?

I fully intended to write a couple of ks on CAPTIVE (book 2) over the weekend, but was completely distracted by my editor sending me the cover for FORBIDDEN.

OMG. I've been gazing at it virtually all weekend and am still almost speechless. It is completely perfect!!! Maximus has biceps to-die-for and Carys is exactly how my agent and I imagined her! Fingers crossed I'll be able to post the cover up very soon (or I might just burst from excitement!)

The rest of the weekend was taken up with research, to send my editor ideas for my second cover. I also thought I should really get to grips with Facebook so spent ages trying to figure out all the different pages. I've now got it installed on my iPhone in hopes that will help me keep up with what's going on (seems to be working so far) If you're on Facebook please come and friend me!

FORBIDDEN ~ Cover Coming Soon!

Please welcome my special guest this week, debut Harlequin Mills and Boon author Nikki Logan! I'm especially excited to interview Nikki since she is a fellow Western Australian and we first met before either of us sold. Go the Sandgropers!! (I'm an honorary one, not having been born here!!!)

Nikki's first novel, Lights, Camera...Kiss the Boss is available now from the M&B Romance line.

Over to you, Nikki...

Nikki Logan lives amongst a string of wetlands in Western Australia with her partner and a menagerie of animals. For many years she worked in advertising and film distribution before finally settling down in the wildlife industry. It wasn't until Nikki had six months off work that she applied herself to writing her first novel. Well and truly bitten by the writing-bug, she wrote two more novels after her return to work. Nikki was contracted to the Harlequin Romance line in December 2008 and her novel, "Lights, Camera...Kiss the Boss", debut in February 2010. She also has a June release called ‘Their Newborn Gift’ as part of the ‘Outback Baby’ continuity with Michelle Douglas and Melissa James.

Visit Nikki at: – A Romance with Nature

Can you tell us a little about your book?

As the name would suggest, Lights, Camera…Kiss the Boss is set in the TV industry. Ava Lange, my heroine, is a landscape designer and loves to turn derelict urban spaces into green spaces. She’s been working as a designer behind-the-scenes for a Sydney lifestyle program, Urban Nature, when the network decides she’d make the perfect on-screen host. Ava is mortified, thinking this will ruin her professional credibility, but nowhere near as mortified as when she finds out that she’ll be working closely with her childhood crush, Daniel Arnot.

Dan’s worked like a dog to make Producer and he’s this close to the biggest promotion of his career. Bending the arm of a childhood friend to help make his latest show a success is minor compared to some of the concessions he’s made in order to get revenge on the father who made his childhood a misery. But when the network starts playing games with Ava’s reputation, Dan finds himself torn between the goal that has driven him his whole life and the gentle woman who just wants to be left alone to design beautiful gardens.

Working so closely together makes it impossible to keep their childhood memories at bay and Ava struggles to keep a lid on her feelings. Despite everything, when it all goes pear-shaped, Dan's the last one she expects to be behind it.

Yum, I love your inspiration for Dan! How did the idea for the plot come about?

I wrote this story from beginning to end as part of 50K-in-30-days, my first ever month-long challenge. Initially I was targeting Modern Heat (Sexy Sensation) so I needed a glitzy, urban setting while still having a nature-based theme. I brainstormed some urban-nature type settings with my crit group, the Bootcamp 101ers, and the idea of an urban designer came up and then the idea of a lifestyle TV program right behind it. I studied film and television and worked in the TV industry for several years so that all came very naturally to me.

I think—deep down—I really wanted to tell the story of a young girl who was badly burned by love with a to-die-for older boy and then went on to win him over later in life when a few years age difference don’t mean so much. How many of us have been in that position when we were teens—a forbidden crush on an older boy.

I love sale stories (ok I am just nosy!!) so can you tell us about your road to publication - and your call story?

Most of my professional history revolves around writing in some capacity—advertising, film promotion, PR/publications, but it wasn’t until 2007 when I had six months paid long service leave that I sat down to have a crack at writing a book. I knew I’d go spare without a project. That was a fantastic six months and I wrote a single title set in Zambia in the first four. It wasn’t until after I’d typed ‘the end’ that I lifted my head and wondered what support or networks might be out there. It took me about 20 seconds to find Romance Writers of Australia. The education, camaraderie and support I’ve found there has been amazing. It enabled me to hone my writing into a structured, targeted tool.

It was not my intention to write category—although I was a lover of category romance as a reader—but I see myself writing both category and single title into the future. Senior Editor of Harlequin Mills & Boon, Kimberley Young, requested a full of my first category effort out of a RWNZ competition and the rest is history!


Kim Young emailed me after reading my full to discuss some revision suggestions on the comp story. Eeek…revisions! Eeek…a phone-call! Maddeningly, our schedules weren’t compatible and in the days it took to get our planetary diaries aligned (and while I suffered death by a thousand impatient cuts) Kim also requested anything else I had. I didn’t have much else to suit category but I’d written something for 50K-in-30-days so I pulled that out to send.

(Cue mad polishing act over long weekend!)

When the revisions came, my comp-win manuscript was out and my newer story was resoundingly in. Kim had asked me how soon I could get them to her and I panicked. Four weeks might be too long and two weeks might have her chuckling to herself and thinking ‘how sweet, she thinks she can do it in two’. I suggested three.

(Cue three weeks of desperate revising)

A few days after submitting the revisions, Kim emailed to ask if she could call with some follow-up questions. I interpreted that as editor-speak for ‘Gosh, I’ve made a terrible mistake and need to let you down gently.’ All day went by with me angsting over how embarrassing to be gently let down and how many people I’d have to un-tell my exciting news to until the phone finally rang early in the evening.

Kim must have heard the high-pitched whine from my finely tuned nerves because she got straight down to business and said she was delighted with the revisions and wanted to offer me a two-book deal. Then there was the oddest squealing noise on the line (oh, how embarrassing, it was me!) and we talked about things that I have very little recollection of and I tried desperately to sound intelligent whilst my brain collapsed in on itself.

That was such a nail-biting time! But very exciting!! So do you write every day? Do you give yourself daily/weekly goals?

I work full time and so my writing-time is majority on the weekend, but I do try and write on any available evening I have. I haven’t watched more than two hours television a week in two years now. I have a couple of weekly evening obligations but around that I try to sit at my computer any other free moment.

Sometimes I’ll do a week-long or month-long sprint with my crit group and work to a goal but, on the whole, I’m pretty disciplined. I find that writing stimulates the same part of my brain as watching a movie or reading a book, so I actually feel quite relaxed and refreshed when doing it even if it’s on the back of a full working day.

Editing on the other hand….*shudder* That I have to plan time for and make myself do. So the faster I write, the more time I’ll have for editing.

I consider that I write for free, but I’m paid for the editing ;)

Panster or plotter?

Hybrid. I like to have a loose structure to keep me roughly going in the right direction, but I’m happiest in the mist, letting the words just come. This means my submitted stories often vary from my proposals but London keep me on track if I wander too far from the essential plot and purpose of a romance!

What keeps you motivated when the writing gets tough?

Contracts keep me motivated. LOL. There’s nothing like knowing the legal department of one of the biggest publishers in the world is watching your progress to keep you moving forward.

I did a really tough couple of months on a novella back in October that had two false starts after the ideas didn’t gel with London. This was for a ‘showcase’ of new authors and so they wanted something really standout. I had to force myself into the seat to write and edit that one which felt very odd to the woman who just sits and lets it fly. You know you’re in trouble when you catch yourself cleaning out your wardrobe rather than writing.

But generally the story keeps me motivated. I’m as eager to find out what happens at the end when I’m writing a book as when I’m reading it.

Is there any advice or light bulb moment you'd like to share about getting/being published?

Not about getting published, no. As far as I’m concerned I just jagged the right editor and the right time. Kimberley liked my voice and my nature-based theme. Umpteen other editors probably wouldn’t have. The light bulb is to understand and accept that being selected for publication is about a dozen factors outside of your control.

Is the market saturated with your type of voice? Do you have a marketable ‘brand’? Are people interested in the stories you have to tell? What does the editor like?

The only thing you can control is the quality and tone of your writing and there’s a heck of a lot of very good writers out there not getting published. Chances are it’s one of the elements totally outside of their control holding up their success.

Do you have critique partners (CPs)? If so can you tell us how you met up and your process?

Since becoming published, and given the volume I now need to produce in a very short time (because I also work full time) it means my critting needs have changed from a chapter-by-chapter method to full-first-draft ‘cold read’ type process. It also means I have almost no time left over to give back to a chapter-by-chapter process, which makes me a poor crit reciprocator.

My official crit partner was assigned via RWAus ‘Crit Partner Register’ I also rely on my writers group, the Bootcamp 101 girls, for those broader, cold read type crits and one in particular is gifted in spotting POV and structural flaws so she gets particularly hammered ;)

Lights, Camera...Kiss the Boss ~ Nikki Logan

Custom blog designs for The Bridal Party:
Blog banner, Blog background, Menu bar with drop downs,
Side bar titles and Post divider (not shown)

Custom blog designs for Coral Dust Between My Toes:
Menu bar with drop downs, Blog banner and Blog background.

Custom blog designs for The Olsen Family Tree:
Blog banner, Blog background, Side bar link and title buttons and Signature (not shown).

Custom blog designs for The Wildflower:
Post divider, added 'You might also like:' to bottom of posts.

Custom blog designs and extra accessories for The Chica Boutique:
Blog banner, Business card, Side bar link button, Link button with grab box, Etsy banner and 'To Do list' for displaying on her message boards!

Custom blog designs for Maxwell Designs:
Blog banner, Blog background, Signature, Twitter link button, Blog link button, Post and side bar dividers!

New Custom blog designs!

When you first begin looking for Japanese cherry blossom tattoo designs and pictures for this style, you need to know 2 things. What do you need to know? Well, let me write it as simple as possible: This is a very classic, time honored design, and 90% of the websites are not treating it like that. They just want to get people into their artwork database, so they pack and stuff as much generic junk onto their pages as humanly possible. Is that the kind of cherry blossom tattoo designs and pictures you want to sift through?

The sad fact is that you're probably doing that right now, which has really changed your perception of what this amazing style should look like in general. Just about everyone that puts a generic tat on their skin regrets that decision later in life, though, so I caution against it. If you are not going to look for cherry blossom tattoo designs that have true originality, you should do yourself a huge favor and not even start picking through pictures and design choices. It is going to do any good for you.

I have 1 last tip on this topic, too. Cherry blossom tattoo designs are 1 of the style choices that has evolved over the last few years. You need to make a decision if you want a piece that is classical, or something that's more new age, because they can be totally different in how they ultimately look. These tattoos have switched the way they look over the years and a lot of the newer artwork doesn't even look like the real trees. It will always pay off to do a little research before you step into the world of tattoos and galleries to search for cherry blossom tattoo designs and pictures. Select something that is right for you, not some piece that's trendy at the moment. Selecting something that's trendy is a horrible mistake, because most folks regret it, seeing as how fads come and go within a couple years, or even months.

These are 2 vital tips to take into account when looking at Japanese cherry blossom tattoo designs and pictures

Japanese Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs

There are two basic types of military tattoo designs, they are the modern and the historic ones. Usually, the tattoos which are of a historic military nature contain some logos and mottos which act as a representation of the men who have been famous in the fighting history. Meanwhile, the modern military tattoos indicate a representation of the different divisions or a certain artwork which have been used as the armed forces' smaller divisions. When you are getting these tattoo designs, there are some very basic guidelines that need to be followed.

For the personnel who are in the military, they must make sure that the tattoo they choose is in line with their particular branch's imposed codes. Most of the tattoos which these people get is placed on their upper arm so that they can be concealed with their uniform while they are on duty. In the military, there are some very specific requirements regarding tattoos.

For this reason, you have to make sure that you will not encounter some professional problems when you are in the military and get decide to get a military tattoo. Most of the tattoos worn by military soldiers imitate their unit device like the famous "Screaming Eagle" device which is often used by airborne soldiers. Even if these tattoos are often associated with the sailors, their popularity has even expanded to the other military branches.

In short, you must not choose the tattoo design of some modern military divisions if you have not yet served that division. This is because it is considered as an insult to those that have served in the division. It can even be compared to bragging about joining the military if you have, in fact, never served at all. Such tattoos should be considered off limits to those who have never served in the specific unit. Because of this, you should never get an advanced tattoo with this design, even if you are only making a presumption that you will be accepted in the particular unit.

With this in mind, if you would like to get a military tattoo but you're only an ordinary citizen, you can get the historical designs since they can be used by anyone and are sometimes used to represent a heartfelt connection with the warriors of a certain culture. The most popular designs of these kind include the Knights Templar crosses, mottos of the Spartans, Roman Legions, and Native Americans. Because these military tattoo designs look great, they can sometimes be the start of a conversation in a party

Military Tattoo Designs-modern and the historic

The cross is among the popular Celtic tattoo designs which is being widely used. Often, this design is being characterized by placing a circle on the center of the cross which is the middle of the 3 points of the whole figure. This tattoo design has been considered to represent the heritage and faith of the Celtics. While it used to be hugely favored by the male species, this is not the real case nowadays. There are several tattoo artists of today that have added a feminine touch to these Celtic crosses.

Commonly, these designs involve some twisted turns and knots which can produce an extremely intricate and bold pattern. They are normally done in different shades of white, black, and gray but the entry of different colors is also being welcomed. Such variety has been the preference of females who want to have a more lively look that can fit their femininity best. In addition, there are also some tattoo artists that are good at making the design better. They can give the image some added dimension by playing with the Celtic tattoo's shape and colors.

With regards to choosing a tattoo, you must first consider each implication which will be put surrounding the cross symbol. Since the cross is the common symbol of religion for the Celtics, the four elements are being connected to the four corners of the cross. Enclosed with a circle, it is said to represent eternal life because the circle does not have any beginning or an ending. Also, the circle can represent the sun and the 4 corners signify the north, south, west and the east.

A good thing regarding the Celtic cross design is that they can be done in different sizes. Because of this, there is an endless ideal body part where this design can be inked. They can be placed on the arm, ankles, wrists or even the lower back. For this reason, there are many people choosing to get the cross pattern since they have limitless capabilities. Similar with a lot of tattoo designs, you can also include your own personality in your tattoo. You can even incorporate a basic Celtic cross and a flower. There is actually no limit and as you make your own design, it will have more meaning.

Up until today, ancient symbols are still being used as a source for inspiration for the influence of today's art pieces. And with this, Celtic tattoo designs have not been spared. Because these designs can be dated back to the earliest centuries of our evolution, choosing them can be an excellent decision

Celtic Tattoo Designs-What To Know When Choosing

Throughout the world, many women have butterfly tattoo designs inked on their bodies. This is perhaps a common and popular design which women love. As a matter of fact, the butterfly design is more popular than the angel and rose tattoo design. This can be seen in the number of online searches being made everyday. Since the design can easily be changed and have any color, this makes it a very fashionable choice. There are several patterns which you can choose from. And for that, here are some of the popular reasons why people choose this design:

There are some women who choose to get the popular tattoo design because it has a salient and striking beauty. It might be because these animals are not hard to admire. They have such vibrant colors for their wings and that they have a generally subtle nature. For this reason, nature has been able to remind everyone that beauty is something that should be treasured.

These tattoos can also symbolize freedom, prosperity, transformation, happiness, good luck, gracefulness, and beauty. In the culture of the Chinese, the symbol represented by two butterflies which are flying together means love. Once the essential and important representations of the butterfly is combined with the intricate design and outstanding color, you will get a tattoo with one of the best butterfly designs.

Another reason why many women choose the design is because of its distinctiveness, uniqueness and the striking colors which can make it undeniably attractive. Not only that, but there are 15,000-30,000 known species of butterflies throughout the world. For this reason alone, you already have a wide variety which you can choose from.

Aside from the ones mentioned above, the butterfly tattoo is feminine. Often, they represent beauty. They can also symbolize life's delicateness and for that, they are full of qualities of the female gender. For this reason alone, the butterfly tattoo is being chosen by the women. Normally, they are being placed on the shoulder, abdomen, back, neck or even the chest. As a result, they have become a stylish statement which women add to their bodies.

Lastly, most women like to have butterfly tattoo designs since they can basically be placed on any body part. If they prefer to show it off to people, then they can choose to have the tattoo inked on their ankle, arm, or on their upper back. But if they prefer to hide the tattoo and keep it hidden, then the best place to get the tattoo is in the middle back, top of the foot or even the back of the neck, especially if you have long hair.

Behind Butterfly Tattoo Designs - A Wild New Idea

Many people like having star tattoo designs. This might be because they can make a great choice. You can either design it by yourself or have an inexpensive tattoo artist design it for you. If you are also friends with some people who are creative, you can ask them to make the design for you.

Star tattoos are great choices because they can either have a positive or neutral meaning. There are no big negative meanings which can be associated with star tattoos. For this reason alone, many people are choosing this design since they feel like they do not need to further explain to people what the tattoo signifies or even have to defend the design which they have chosen. If you are thinking about getting a star tattoo, here are some designs which you can go with:

Star and Moon pair up is the usual tattoo graphic being chosen especially if people want to have a nocturnal effect on their tattoo. These tattoo designs best suits people who are night lovers and those who are even partygoers since they feel they can best define themselves with the design. With the same concept, they have a small mysterious feel about getting this design since you never truly know how one night can end or if it will even end. Because of this, lots of people choose to get the tattoo design.

Nautical star tattoos are another tattoo graphic of the star which many people choose. This is because there is a lot of significance to this design with regards to its history. In addition, it symbolizes finding one's own life path. Among the plenty tattoo designs out there, this is perhaps one of the oldest in existence. Previously, the tattoo was used by early sailors so that they could represent the North Star and they could find their way back home safely.

Star cluster designs are another way you can make use of the star design. You can either do this as a symbolic 5 point star bearing several different colors or get a group of realistic stars along with some clouds during the night time. Whichever design you choose is nice and already is an excellent choice. Several people like to use this cluster design in different sizes which go up their arm or back.

To end, star tattoo designs are being chosen by people who would want to have a simple tattoo yet intricate. And with this design, you surely cannot go wrong

Star Tattoo Designs-Options And Ideas

Tribal tattoo designs have been very popular for the past fifteen years or so. In fact, there is something of a backlash against tribal tattoos, as they are now sometimes seen as being for people who simply want to jump on the bandwagon. This doesn't have to be the case, though. You can still find tribal tattoos that have real meaning for you. Here are five tips to help you make a good choice if you are considering a tribal tattoo design.

Don't Be In A Hurry. A tattoo is a long-term, usually lifelong commitment. On average, a tattoo lasts longer than a job, place of residence or a marriage! So there's no reason to rush into it. Even if you think you've made a choice, consider other possibilities. You can find many images to look at, either online or at a tattoo parlor. You may find something you like even better. Also give a lot of consideration to where you want to place your tattoo. This is especially the case with tribal tattoos, which other people can react to in ways ranging from curiosity to hostility (often because they don't know what it means).
Learn the Meaning. Some people choose designs simply because they think something looks cool. This is fine as a way to pick a tattoo, but only if you first do a little research. It's like seeing a person and falling in love at first sight. You don't necessarily want to marry the person right away; you should first get to know them a bit! With tribal tattoos, a particular symbol can have a specific meaning. You should at least know what it is. Also remember, after you get your tattoo, lots of people will ask, "what does it mean?"
Respect the Tradition. Tribal tattoos are sometimes considered disrespectful. This is from the perspective of traditional people who come from a certain ethnic background and see people who don't share this heritage displaying these symbols. Now you may not be able to change the mind of anyone who is a strict traditionalist, but you can still research the tradition whose symbols you are borrowing and take it into consideration before you get your tattoo. For example, you may not want to display a religious symbol when you don't belong to that religion; or display a sacred tribal design next to another tattoo that might be seen as vulgar or sacrilegious.
Know Your Artist. If you are getting a tribal tattoo, make sure the artist who is going to do it is comfortable working with this kind of design. There are great tattoo artists who can do almost anything well, but there are others who are better at some kinds of designs than others. Just because someone can do a great eagle tattoo doesn't mean they can be trusted to do Chinese calligraphy, for example -and vice versa.
Ask Yourself If the Tattoo Fits With Your Lifestyle. This is true of any tattoo. In some cases, when you think about your overall lifestyle, such as the job you have, the company you keep and so forth, you may decide to put your tattoo in a less obvious place. In some cases, you may decide on a less brash design. Just because you are drawn to a design or find it exciting or beautiful doesn't mean it's right on your body. Maybe it is, but you should really think it through first.

Tribal tattoo designs will probably never go completely out of style. They offer a wide range of possibilities and can be a great form of self-expression

Tribal tattoo designs have been very popular

If you have long pondered on the decision and you have finally decided that it is time for you to get a tattoo, your next dilemma is where you can get cool tattoo designs. If you are not gifted with an artistic and creative mind, then do not worry. There are other sources which you can use to help you make your decision.

Since getting a tattoo can be compared to having your own personal trademark on your body, it should be something which you truly like. This is because if you don't like the design and only got it as a dare, because you were drunk or you were rushed, there is a big chance you will not like the tattoo. And because of this, you can't wait to get it removed. A tattoo must symbolize you and what you stand for. It must have a meaning behind it so that it becomes more personal and special to you.

If you don't know where you can get a design, one of your options is to go online. You can easily find several tattoo designs on the internet if you make a simple search. Also, you can visit a tattoo parlor before the date you have scheduled for the procedure. This will give you enough time to make your final decision. Remember, a tattoo is not like a henna tattoo which will easily erase on its own after a few weeks. If you still aren't decided, you can opt for a henna tattoo of the design first so that you can see how it will look like on that certain body part.

Aside from the two mentioned ideas, you can also look into tattoo books so that you will find what design you like. There are several books now being sold and the designs in them have been personally designed by the popular tattoo artists. Another option you can use so that you can find the design you like is to ask a friend to design it for you. However, this friend must be an artist or must be good at designing. He should also know you personally so that he can relate the design to your life.

If you are still undecided, try stopping by the tattoo parlor and get to know some of the tattoo artists there. You can tell them more about your preferences so that they can think of designing something for you. Remember, there is no such thing as cool tattoo designs. The only thing that makes them cool is the significant meaning behind them.

Tribal Ambigram Tattoo Design

Cool Tattoo Designs That Meet Your Wants

Jesus Tattoo photos

Jesus Tattoo - Tips On Getting Your New Tattoo

So, you've decided to show your faith by getting a tribal Jesus tattoo! Despite the bevy of opinions, one fact is a glaring truth: You should always do some research before getting a tattoo...

The first thing that you should take into account is that a tattoo is a permanent deal. You could always get "removal" or find a good artist who can make another tattoo over the previous one. The point here being is that some people go and get tattoos just for the sake of getting one. You don't want to be one of those people who get a tattoo and later regret it. What I recommend is pretty simple... Trust your gut! If you see a tattoo design and it feels right and you can't help but smile every time you look at it, then that is probably your best bet! There are literally over a million different designs, not including custom ones provided by the person getting a tattoo so don't rush, and make sure it's the one.

Variety and originally seems to be something that most people want when it comes to their tattoo and I don't blame them! No one wants to go to the beach or on vacation and see someone with an exact same tattoo that you have. You could go on Google and image search a bunch of random pictures if you don't mind looking like everyone else. So sometimes it could just be a symbol or idea you have in your mind and finding a good enough artist, as I said earlier.

Sometimes it is a good idea to check out some tattoo design websites. There are some who will most likely charge you a small fee to keep a tighter grasp on their exclusive art. Some people would think, well what's the point, can't I just go to a shop and get custom art there? Well if a website charges for their design, chances are the art is usually a step above your average tattoo artist locally. Speaking of the local shops, some of these websites are dedicated to giving reviews of these shops do to make sure you don't go somewhere that is third-rate. It makes your decision making process a lot less stressful.

Good luck on your new tribal Jesus tattoo!

Jesus Tattoo - Tips On Getting Your New Tattoo

The toughest part in getting a tattoo is not having to face the physical pain that comes with the actual inking, but in deciding which tattoo design to choose. Because it will be a permanent tattoo, its no wonder why individuals spend a lot of time thinking about which tattoo design to finally get.

When it comes to cross tattoo designs particularly, there is a wide assortment of designs to choose from, which could confuse you even more. There are Celtic crosses, gothic crosses, tribal crosses, and many more. To guide you with your journey to getting a tattoo, below you can find some options for cross tattoos.

Christian Cross Tattoo Designs

A popular Christian cross design nowadays is the Latin Cross. This is the most basic and simple cross which features a long vertical line intersected by a smaller horizontal line at about 1/3 of the vertical line. For this design, a wooden appearance is recommended, although you can always go for your own ideas. You can also choose to customize your cross by adding praying hands and wings, birds, and statements written across banners.

Another option is the Cross of Triumph, which is similar to the Latin Cross design, only that it has a large circle at the base with an inverted T outline inside the circle. This signifies the universal success of the Gospel all across the world.

The Crucifix is also a popular choice especially for those of the Catholic faith. It makes use of the Latin cross design with the image of Jesus Christs crucifixion. Another version of the Latin cross is the 3-Step Cross, where from the bottom of the cross are 3 steps signifying a pathway of faith, hope and love.

Those are some Christian cross tattoos that you can try. You can also do more research on the Russian Orthodox cross, the Tau Cross, Celtic cross, Anchor cross, St. Andrews cross, Maltese cross, and many more. With all these options, youre sure to find the perfect cross for your tattoo design.

Non-Christian Cross Tattoo Designs

For Non-Christians, a popular cross design is the Greek cross, which features an equilateral cross symbolizing the god Anu and the sky. It has also been linked with sun-worship throughout the times.

Another option is the Chinese cross, where the cross symbol is very much related to the Chinese ideogram for earth. The Ankh is also a popular choice, which was well-accepted in ancient Egypt and extending up to now. This is often found in ancient tombs and represents eternal life.

These are just some of the Non-Christian crosses that you can try. There are still many others, such as the Aztec cross, Gothic cross, the Tau cross, Gammate Cross or swastika, and many more. Dig deep into these cross tattoo designs and consider all your options first before deciding on one.

What is Popular Cross Tattoo Designs For Christians?

Nowadays, both men and women choose to get cross tattoo designs. This is because this design represents a great meaning and a strong message to the person who has the tattoo. You can either be a religious man or not for wearing the tattoo. Here are the common meanings these tattoo designs are being represented with.

Generally, cross tattoos are associated with the particular Christian religion. This is because a lot of Christians are passionate and deeply proud of their religion. By having this tattoo design, they feel like they can convey their loyalty, strong belief, love, and respect for the Christian religion and for Jesus Christ. The reason behind this is that the Christian cross is a symbolization of the return of Jesus Christ from the dead.

There are several different kinds of Christian crosses. First, you have the basic Latin cross which only consists of the two intersecting lines. The next famous design is the crucifix which is a depiction of Jesus Christ on the wooden cross. The other variations of these crosses include those that are covered with nails or thorns.

Aside from the Christian cross, there are also designs for the Celtic cross. In order to achieve an attractive design, this tattoo design incorporates a circle with the Latin cross. Not only are these designs popular with the Christians, they are also famous with people that have deep Celtic connections throughout their family's history. By getting the tattoo, they are honoring their heritage.

Other cross designs which are gaining popularity is the memorial and the Gothic cross. The memorial cross is common with people who have lost someone they love and by having a tattoo, they have made a permanent memorial. These tattoos are normally made in a gravestone shape and usually have some suitable words or passage included. The other cross design, the Gothic, is being worn by people who are Goth. They are not necessarily religious but still would like to have some religious image in their body. Normally, these designs are influenced by German style and can include a cross combined with daggers and barbed wire.

Generally speaking, there are so many different cross tattoo designs which are available. They have always been popular and probably, they will still be as popular due to the striking image and powerful symbolism they have. Aside from having deep religious meanings, this tattoo design also conveys a respect of spirituality for the non-religious people who get the tattoo inked on their bodies.

Cross Tattoo Designs And Their Meanings

jesus tattoo

Many people choose to get cross tattoos. This might be because they are a flexible design which can work well with just about any body part. At the same time, this tattoo design can fit well with both men and women. So there really is no specific gender that should wear the tattoo.

The cross is also a deep symbol to those who live in the West. This is because they represent the person's religious background, spirituality, and even as a depiction of protection. For this reason, the design is being chosen for several tattoos. However, the decision does not end there. You will still need to decide the type of cross which you want. Here are some options.

The artwork done by the Celtic has been used to depict some of the early forms of our Bible. These beautiful works of knot lines has produced several beautiful Bible pages. For this reason, several other forms of the Celtic cross has been produced. Aside from this, there are also several different styles which you can find within the Celtic artwork and these styles can also produce several different cross designs. The most famous is the knotwork cross. However, the Celtic cross can also be made with step or a spiral pattern.

Another cross design which is being used is the real wooden cross where Jesus died on. This design can be done by simply using a wooden cross and adding a Crucifix. The designs here are incredibly powerful and can also be done in several different varieties. People who are emo and Gothic can also use the cross design by making it look more Gothic. This can be achieved by incorporating metal pieces onto the cross.

The metallic look on the tattoo can be achieved ornately by adding several shadings and shadows so that the tattoo will look like a real metal cross. Often, these tattoos are adorned with a lot of jewels and can sometimes have an almost dark, eerie feeling. While they can be on the border by being dark, they can still be done beautifully and be well designed.

Lastly, the tribal cross design is being done by using big strong black lines which have been interwoven similarly to the Celtic cross. However, the lines of the tribal cross are usually placed randomly and can either have hard or sharp turns. No matter what cross tattoos you choose, you will still need to consider your options before getting it done.

Different Kinds Of Unique Cross Tattoos To Choose

With at least 17 tattoos already adorning his body, David Beckham is rapidly running out of space.

Yet when the footballer's grandfather Joe West died, he felt the need to pay tribute to him in the only way he knows how - by going under the needle again.

Beckham, 34, had a black-and-white image of Christ drawn on his right side, based on a painting called The Man Of Sorrows by Catholic artist Matthew R. Brooks.

Artwork: David's latest piece is inspired by The Man of Sorrows painting by Matthew R. Brooks

Quite what 83-year-old Mr West, who was Jewish, would have made of its Christian theme is open to conjecture.

The latest tattoo was revealed to the world at the weekend when Beckham removed his shirt in triumph following his team AC Milan's 3-0 victory over Juventus.

Mr West was the father of Beckham's mother Sandra.

David Beckham
2000-2002: David Beckham's back is almost a blank canvas with just his first son's name - a couple of years later he has a guardian angel and second son Romeo's name across his shoulders

2000-2002: David Beckham's back is almost a blank canvas with just his first son's name - a couple of years later he has a guardian angel and second son Romeo's name across his shoulders

2003: The England star shows off his forearm tattoos

2003: The England star shows off his forearm tattoos

Beckham was particularly close to him and often cited him as his footballing inspiration.

He died when Beckham was in South Africa at the draw for this summer's World Cup.

The devastated star had the tattoo installed almost immediately after his return to the UK.

2004: Beckham's neck tattoo can be seen prior to England's three-nation tournament soccer match against Japan in the City of Manchester Stadium

2004: Beckham's neck tattoo can be seen prior to England's three-nation tournament soccer match against Japan in the City of Manchester Stadium

David Beckham
2006-2008: The former Manchester United star's body art spreads down his arms incorporating the existing work

2006-2008: The former Manchester United star's body art spreads down his arms incorporating the existing work. On his right shoulder, there's an angel with the text 'In the face of adversity'

It was etched by Louis Milloy, of Middleton Tattoo Studio in Manchester, who has been Beckham's chosen illustrator since he was a young player at Manchester United in the late 1990s.

The design is the England footballer's third depicting Christian imagery. He has a crucifix on the back of his neck, just above a guardian angel located between his shoulders.

2008: David shows off his Mandarin tattoo which he had done while he was on tour in Hong Kong

2008: David shows off his Mandarin tattoo which he had done while he was on tour in Hong Kong

2009: Both of Beckham's arms are almost fully covered and all of his son's names have been added to his back

2009: Both of Beckham's arms are almost fully covered and all of his son's names have been added to his back

Beckham has previously revealed a certain vagueness about faiths.

Following the birth of his first son, he said: 'I definitely want Brooklyn to be Christened but I don't know into what religion yet.'

David gets a Jesus tattoo to add to his multi-faith collection