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Most mornings I arrive at work promptly at 7:30; this morning was an exception. I arose as usual at 5:45 to the persistent buzzing of my alarm clock. I soared out of bed, slapped the alarm clock to activate the snooze, crawled back under the covers and proceeded to dream about that really cool traffic map in the right-hand column of my blog (please don’t ask; I have no idea.) The following conversation took place this morning at approximately 7:21:



Boss: Good Morning, this is (insert boss’s name here), how can I help you?

Me: Hey it’s Marn. I’m running late, I’ll be there as soon as I can.

Boss: What’s wrong with the bus? (Isn’t he a funny guy…..)

Me: Dude, I totally slept through my alarm.

Boss: *hardy laughter* ‘Kay, see you soon.



What am I, the reincarnate of Spacoli? My boss is now Mr. Hand? What the hell came out of my mouth?!?!?

Thank goodness they deliver pizza to my complex; it looks like it’s gonna be one of those days.



Believe it or not, I pulled into the parking lot at 8:01. My hair may have been wet but I made it in record time.

All I Need Are Some Tasty Waves, A Cool Buzz, And I'm Fine.

It's Hot in August in the Garden.

If you love Erotic Romance, join the authors of the Wilder Roses for

31 Sultry Scarlet Nights!

31 days of scorching hot downloads from Scarlet Rose - the erotic romance line of
The Wild Rose Press.

Each day stop by the Wilder Roses blog and post a comment on the day's topic. A winner will be drawn each night to receive a digital title from the Scarlet Rose catalog.

For a second chance to win, stop by

Each night a winner will be drawn from those who posted during the day.

There will also be a grand prize at the end of the month. For everyone who participated throughout the month, you will be entered into a drawing for a Frederick's of Hollywood Gift Certificate! It's easy to enter for the daily give-a-ways and the grand prize. Your participation will automatically enter you.

Scarlet Roses

This is not a recent story but every time I think of it I laugh out loud. It is also the prologue of another story that happened earlier this week.

Picha dis (did anyone see My Cousin Vinny?)

One day not too terribly long ago my best friend Magillicutty was mindlessly folding laundry in her family room while watching reruns of Trauma: Life in the E.R. Her son, Seraphim, walks into the family room and announces, “Mom? I got poop on my hands.”

Magill turns to him, sees poop all over his hands with a smear here and there on his clothing and says, “Honey, mommy has told you that if you have a messy poo to call her so that she can come help you wipe your bottom.”

They walk through the kitchen, down the hall, and into the bathroom. Magill is greeted with poop on the toilet seat, poop on the hand towel, poop streaks in the sink, on the faucet handles, and along the wall by the toilet paper holder.

With horror straining her vocal cords knowing that she will be cleaning this horrific mess, she squeaks out “What happened? Why didn’t you call mommy to help?????”

He shrugs and give her that I don’t know look.

After disinfecting her son, she grabs her HAZMAT suit and gets to work on cleaning up the rectal explosion that has coated most every surface of the bathroom.

The subject was forgotten.

The next afternoon Magill and Seraphim are riding down the road in the proverbial soccer van when out of the blue, Boy-child states, “Ya know mom…..sometimes poop’s messy.”

“I know Honey, that’s why you call mommy next time you have a messy poo so that she can come and help you clean up. So tell me, what happened in there, Buddy?”

“Well ya see, mom, it’s like this; I was sitting on the toilet takin’ a poop and I could tell it was gonna be a reeeeeealy BIG poop so when I was done I jump down and I turned around so’s I could look in the toilet and see how big the poop was and then I saw it and it was really, really, really big and I looked at it and went WWOOOOOOOWW really loud………and my gum fell in the toilet.”

Gripping the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles turn white, she exclaimed (quit loudly) “Do NOT put ANYTHING from the TOILET into your MOUTH!”

I got yelled at.

I gave him the gum.

Like I knew he was gonna try and dig his gum out of a colossal poo he took in the potty.

What's A Little Poo In The Big Scheme Of Things?

I was visiting Megan's site and ran across a quiz to determine which Star Trek character you are. As just about everyone in the office is on vacation this week, I had a free moment to "fill in the blanks". Go on, have fun, see if you're the red shirt of the day.

Here's mine:
Your results: You are Jean-Luc Picard
A lover of Shakespeare and other fine literature. You have a decisive mind and a firm hand in dealing with others.

I know, y'all could've gone all day without knowing I was destined to be your captain but what the hell.
I'll be back later - after I've caught up on my real work - to post something you actually don't mind wasting your time reading. Off you go now, grab a seat and prepare for warp speed.
Post Scriptum
(Not only do I look hot bald, but it seems I’m a bit of a dominatrix.)

Morning Boredom and Mindless Crap

I’m bringing these to my office as they’re taking up too much room at the house.

Any suggestions where I should put them or do you need pictures of my office?

Secret Boyfriend Number 43

So the San Fran conference is upon us which means nearly everyone I know has flown off to the US!! Lucky things. I'm looking forward to detailed reports and lots of photos next week.

And my email isn't working. The internet is, but not my email. I kept hitting Send/Receive in the hope I might trick it and the server would magically let my emails through, but nope. I hate not getting my emails, I feel very isolated. And besides, I might have a Very Important Email out there in cyberspace, just sort of floating around and it makes me twitchy. I tried fiddling with all the connections and rebooting the computer but obviously it needs a sniff of a Y chromosone before complying. Blahhhhhh.

The NZ conference is in two and a half weeks and I've already started packing. Well sort of. Just getting the toiletry bits and pieces together. I have a paranoid fear of forgetting something desperately important (such as shampoo because, after all, it's impossible to buy shampoo in NZ... er, yeah...) well anyway. I find it exciting seeing my hot purple luggage out, and since it's out I might as well start to fill it!!

Conferences & Email or lack thereof

I think the Florida State University College of Engineering has combined forces with their School of Chemistry and released into the air an experimental biological warhead containing spores which induce narcoleptic-like symptoms in all living forms.
This weekend was spent fighting the need, no the physical necessity for sleep not only by me but almost every human being I spoke with. I took a nap Saturday morning….MORNINGbefore lunchtime for crying out loud. When I spoke to my mother, my ex-MIL, and my best friend all three of them had napped Saturday as well. It affected the young and old alike.

Even Spawnette, who usually slithers to her Moravian sarcophagus just as dawn is breaking, had succumbed to a comatose slumber by seven thirty last night; the dog right there at her side.

If the trend continues, I’ve considered purchasing the new and improved SGE 400 complete with the Drager 40mm NBC Filter. I have five days to get my work at the office caught up with nothing sitting on my desk. The Spawn and I are leaving for a weeks vacation and I want nothing… hear me NOTHING standing in the way of a totally and completely irrelevant and meaningless vacation. A vacation spent drinking beer by the poolside and reminiscing with my girl Kat about all of the trouble she caused during our years in high school.

Crap, you already read yesterday’s post, didn’t you? I like to pretend I was a sweet, kind, and caring young lady back in my teen years. Can you guys play along with me, please?

I haven’t yet figured out what has been causing the need to sleep. I have hypotheses other than airborne pathogens expelled into the air with malicious intent to infect the good people of Tallahassee with experimental bioweaponry but I’m going with my first suggested explanation for now.

Sleep well, my Brethren, and dream of peace.

Toora, Loora, Loora

I’ve been quite busy this past week so I am hoping to spend the day catching up on blogs I haven’t been able to read lately. I didn’t have a chance to write anything this morning but with a stroke of luck, a shortage of never-ending thunderstorms, and no unexpected trips the ER, I’ll get some free time later to actually write a story and not just copy what I posted on my photo blog.

I haven’t really taken the time to introduce you to either of my siblings. Let me take a moment to present my little brother. In our younger years, older sister and I would take turns tormenting him by convincing him the things we asked him to do were actually cool, not gross or dangerous. There was the naked run around the block right as the garden club was leaving the church, the trip down the laundry shoot to determine the strength of the clothes “cage” at the bottom, and the drinking of pee to establish his chance of survival should he ever become ship wrecked on a deserted island.

I don’t think it was our treatment of him left too many lasting scars on his perception of life as we know it, just a little one here and there. (Okay, my sister will burst a vein when she reads this and I don’t admit that…maybe….most of these things were my idea)

This is Finnie:
Isn’t he handsome?
This is Finnie enjoying a day of family fun:
Isn’t he athletic?

This is some of the equipment used to measure his athleticism:
Isn’t that nice?

I swear it's ALL my sister's fault he turned out this way - she's a cruel, cruel, soul.

Okay, so maybe not but she's far enough away that I can blame it all on her.

Love ya!
Mean it!

Sibling Harmony

I got my revisions for Foretaste of Forever today and couldn't wait to dive in (after I'd had a bit of a squee with the witches of course!) My editor had a few questions about various aspects and I've really enjoyed delving deeper into my characters world. She also had a great suggestion for the beginning and I can't wait to get stuck into that, although it will probably have to wait until Monday when I'm alone in the house (more steamy sex is required and my son has this scary tendancy to creep up behind me when I'm on the computer - not something I want him doing when I'm trying to write hot!)


New Custom blog designs!

I made a Custom link button for Kayleigh's Kloset that included a scroll box and easy to install instructions on her blog!  Go check it out, it looks awesome! 

Chamrie loved the FREE background 'Natural', so I just made her a Custom blog header to match! She loves the pop of yellow in there!  I do too! 

tattoo for womentattoo nipple nipple piercings and tattoos


I don’t know but I think I had my very first hot flash. I can’t figure out if it was an “official” hot flash as I have no one in the family to ask. Neither my mother nor my grandmother ever went through menopause; they just kinda got old. My sister is two years older than me but she has yet to experience the joys of the “normal” symptoms involved. I’m okay with menopause. I don’t need my ovaries any more. No really, I’m well past the need to reproduce and if I feel the need to hold a babe in my arms, I’ll get another puppy. (Wonder if “Tiger” will be a PETCO again this Saturday.) I guess at my age a hot flash would qualify as early menopause but hey….no more periods? I’m cool with that, too!

Has anyone ever experienced a hot flash? Was it because of menopause? Here’s how my flash went down: Merlee Odell, Spawnette, and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie last weekend. All of the sudden this wave of extreme heat washed over my body. I began to sweat profusely from beneath my boobs and under my ass. I jumped off the couch and knocked the air conditioning down to 62º below zero and turned a box fan on to circulate the snowflakes gently falling from the ceiling vents. Merlee and Spawnette both grabbed blankets and thermal socks while I shoved each to the furthest ends of the couch. It didn’t come on quickly and diminish after a brief time; this lasted all night long. I didn’t sweat like an anabolically enhanced female Russian body builder,
I just got hot.

By the morning - *poof* - all was better. I can’t figure out if it was result of an actual hot flash or if it was due to the fact I had squeezed myself into the 4.73 inch spot left on the couch. The spot nobody ever wants because you’re sandwiched between two 98 degree bodies with no wiggle room. I don’t know what it was but let me tell you people, for once in my life, I was HOT!

Nocturnal Hydrosis And Vasomotor Symptoms

This past weekend Merlee Odell had a date. Yup, my girl was venturing out into the scary world of dating after divorce. She hadn’t been on a date for probably twenty-five years so in order to best prepare herself for this frightening adventure she figured a bit of retail therapy was in order. She asked if I would be willing to assist her in shopping for a new outfit for the date. Me. ME!!! I’m like the WMD of fashion. A Waredrobe Malfunction Disaster waiting to happen. I shop in the boys section of Target because the cargo shorts not only fit better but they’re cheaper than those in the woman’s section. If I could, I would wear my navy blue Van’s or sandals with every outfit I own. I think a baseball cap with my hair pulled through the closure at the back is equivalent to an elegant chignon or French twist. And my girl wants me to go shopping with her. I do have an eye for color so what the hell, I said I'd go with her.

Friday night Merlee comes to the house with a twelve pack of beer, an over-night bag, and her best pair of pajamas. To set the mood for shopping, we had a girl’s night filled with beer, snacks, chick flicks, and lots of laughter. Merlee and I didn’t stay up as late as Spawnette because we knew we’d need our strength for the shopping excursion planned for the morning. After watching Under The Tuscan Sun, Merlee and I hit the sheets. I shared my bed with a cover-stealing cuddler. Okay…….I’m a cuddler too but for those that were going to ask, no, we didn’t take pictures.

I arose at 6:30 a.m., started a pot of coffee, walked through the house to Purgatory (that’s where Spawn and Spawnette reside) to awaken Spawnette and get her ready for a morning of golf with the guys. I reached down and gently brush her arm and she whips around, stares me unblinkingly in the eyes and says – I’m not kidding hereFOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!?! I returned to the kitchen and made sure the coffee was ready because it seemed she was going to need a jumbo cup of Seattle’s Best.

After shoving her out the door and into her father’s care, Merlee and I refilled our cups, sat on the back porch and planned out our day. Kohl’s followed by Governor’s Square Mall, Marshall’s, and PETCO (Merlee was not looking for an outfit there; I was babysitting my neighbor’s pets and ran out of food for the moulting canary.)

For those that love shopping I’m sure it sounds like the perfect day for you. I’m not one of those individuals. Remember how I make it through holiday shopping?

Lucky for us, our first stop, though long, was a great success! Merlee found a lovely blouse, I found some great halter top dresses, and we got out of there before dark. Here's Merlee grabbing some things to try on at Kohl's:

OH!!! And this is the spider we saw crawling up the wall of the store right above the jewelry. That bastard was literally the size of my face!!! We decided to forgo the jewelry for shoes.

We hit Marshall’s “just in case” and I lucked across a fabulous coverlet for my bed. Hi, my name is Marnie and I’m a bedding whore; Hi Marnie! Crossing the street we parked at PETCO for a quick “run in and grab what you need” stop. This is where I ran into difficulties. As most of you have experienced, PETCO, PetSmart, and most retail pet supply stores have adoption booths set up on Saturdays. We, of course, were shopping on a Saturday. The booth at PETCO was set up RIGHT inside the front door so this is what I walked in to:

After sitting on the floor of the store for thirty minutes with that gorgeous guy named Tiger in my lap I quickly grabbed the bird food I originally came for and RAN from the store. I. Was. This. Close. To. Adopting. A. Puppy.

Merlee and I vaulted into the SUV and I drove us back to the house in twenty-seven seconds flat. She grabbed her duffle and headed for home so that she could nap and SSS before her date. I guess the date went well because the guy called her back and asked her out again.

She’s much braver than I. I’ve given up the dating scene but DAMN that guy “Tiger” from PETCO was cute; I may have to see if he’s still available and wants to come home with me.

I’m such a slut.

Merlee Odell Goes Shopping

I know, I've been remiss, I'm hoping to post later this afternnon BUT to entertain you for a moment, I've left a cool video for your veiwing pleasure.

See you guys in two and two.

All They Found Was The Camera

Here are the blog designs I just recently finished. These were all winners of my blog design giveaway! I think they all turned out so awesome! I have a few more to show you this week too!  I've included a picture of the whole blog design so you don't have to leave my site.

 Chelsea Ann at ittybittybirdy sent me her star design to see if I could use it on her header.  I think it's such a cute design.   

I love these colors that Save Your Money Mama picked out!  

Now Entering Momville just wanted the "Lil' Poppy" design, which is a custom blog header to match any of my FREE backgrounds. She was already using the 'Up In the Clouds' FREE background. I think this turned out so great and she LOVES it too!

So fun and colorful! 

Credits to designs by krista

To see ALL blogs that I've designed click HERE!
If you are an author looking for ways to promote your book, then rush over to Shelley's blog, where she has the amazing Marcia James offering all kinds of fabulous advice for writers at all stages of their career. In her previous life Marcia had a career in marketing and advertising and loves PR almost as much as writing her 'hot humorous romances' for Cerridwen Press.

But that's not all! Marcia is also generously giving away her 150+ page file of author promotion information to any author who requests it. Hop over to read all the details!

Author Promotion

Hello Everyone!
Thank you so much for visiting! I've made a small change to my site. When you click on the tab FREE BACKGROUNDS, on the right side-bar, it will take you to Aqua Poppy Designs2 which is all about FREE BACKGROUNDS!!! Here is where you'll find easy to follow instructions on how to change your blog background too. You'll also find categories of all my FREE backgrounds, so you can find what you're looking for quicker! I've also ADDED a TON of NEW FREE BACKGROUNDS!!!! So go check them out! I hope this makes things easier for both of us! Thanks!

A small change...

tattoo girl While tattoos are considered permanent, it is possible to remove them. Complete removal, however, may not be possible (although many doctors and laser practitioners make the claim that upwards of 95% removal is possible with the newest lasers, especially with black and darker colored inks), and the expense and pain of removing them typically will be greater than the expense and pain of applying them. Some jurisdictions will pay for the voluntary removal of gang tattoos. Pre-laser tattoo removal methods include dermabrasion, salabrasion (scrubbing the skin with salt), cryosurgery, and excision which is sometimes still used along with skin grafts for larger tattoos.

Tattoo removal is most commonly performed using lasers that react with the ink in the tattoo, and break it down. The broken-down ink is then absorbed by the body, mimicking the natural fading that time or sun exposure would create. All Tattoo pigments have specific light absorbance spectrums. A tattoo laser must be capable of emitting adequate energy within the given absorbance spectrum of the pigment in order to provide an effective treatment. Certain tattoo pigments, such as yellows, greens and fluorescent inks are more challenging to treat than the darker blacks and blues. These pigments are more challenging to treat because they have absorbance spectrums that fall outside or on the edge of the emission spectrums available in the respective tattoo removal laser.

Laser tattoo removal often requires many repeated visits to remove even a small tattoo, and may result in permanent scarring. The newer Q-switched lasers are said by the National Institute of Health to result in scarring only rarely, however, and are usually used only after a topical anesthetic has been applied. The NIH recognizes five types of tattoo; amateur, professional, cosmetic, medical, and traumatic (or natural). Areas with thin skin will be more likely to scar than thicker-skinned areas. There are several types of Q-switched lasers, and each is effective at removing a different range of the color spectrum. These lasers effectively remove black, blue, purple and red tattoo pigment. New lasers like the Versapulse & Medlite laser treat these colors & yellow and green ink pigment, typically the hardest colors to remove. Black is the easiest color to remove. Both the Revlite and Medlite C6 lasers utilize specialized dye hand-pieces that transform the wavelength of energy emitted by the laser. This expansion of wavelengths gives the laser an enhanced ability to treat a much broader range of tattoo pigments than than standard Q-switched lasers.

Also worth considering is the fact that some of the pigments used (especially Yellow #7) are known to break down into toxic chemicals in the body when attacked by light. This is especially a concern if these tattoos are exposed to UV light or laser removal; the resulting degradation products end up migrating to the kidneys and liver. Laser removal of traumatic tattoos may similarly be complicated depending on the substance of the pigmenting material. In one reported instance, the use of a laser resulted in the ignition of embedded particles of firework debris.[16]

Some wearers opt to cover an unwanted tattoo with a new tattoo. This is commonly known as a cover-up. An artfully done cover-up may render the old tattoo completely invisible, though this will depend largely on the size, style, colors and techniques used on the old tattoo. Some shops and artists use laser removal machines to break down and lighten undesired tattoos to make coverage with a new tattoo easier. Since tattoo ink is translucent, covering up a previous tattoo necessitates darker tones in the new tattoo to effectively hide the older, unwanted piece.


tattoos tattoos


Sitting in my office this morning with a hot, young guy discussing an upcoming conference in Orlando for the State Medical Response Team we are both members of, I asked Mr. Hottie to hold tight before leaving as I wanted to introduce him to someone.

Ben-Honey (I call him this because not only is he a cutie-patootie, he’s just so damn sweet, too), I’d like you to meet V.Ice. He’s been having an extremely exciting summer. He’s currently taking some much deserved R and R while deployed in the Middle East, but I know he won’t mind taking a minute to say ‘S’up?!?!’ Ben, this is V.Ice; V.Ice, this is Ben.”

I then proceeded to literally start choking as I inhaled the sip of coffee I had just taken at the same time I started to read.

Thank God Ben knows CPR.

Thank you sweet baby Jesus that Ben is hot.

Thank you moì-même for brushing your teeth.

But most of all, thank you Alice for the best laugh I’ve had all week.

This medal is presented to you for your bravery and fearlessness in this war against humanity. This war of ennui. For this I am eternally grateful.


I Love It When A Hot Guy Knows CPR and I'm Choking To Death

My neighbor is out of town for a couple of weeks. I get up at 5:30 every morning to go over and let her dogs out, feed them, let them get a bit of exercise and then go home for a either a shower or a cup of coffee and a little relaxation, depending on whether it’s a weekday or the weekend. Saturday morning after finishing off a pot of coffee and a book, I thought I’d head back over to my neighbor’s house to let the dogs run a bit more. As Spawn was up and waiting for his Big Daddy to come and pick him up, he graciously joined me on my excursion through the azalea bushes that line the property between myself and my neighbor. We let the dogs out and after quite a bit of prodding, were finally able to un-Velcro the Doberman from the left side of my son’s pants. (The neighbor’s Doberman thinks the sun rises and sets on Spawn.)

As the dogs frolicked around the live oak trees and barked at the chattering squirrels, I heard Big Daddy honk the horn of his truck. Spawn and I walked together through the neighbor’s house so that I could hug him goodbye and watch him leave to spend a day with is grandfather. As Big Daddy is pulled away from my house I noticed that he had pulled off of the street and into my yard a bit. Well, more than a bit, actually. In fact, he had pulled so far into my yard that as he slowly started to drive away I could see from the Florida room of the house next door that his truck had hit some sort of hole in the yard. A hole? I don’t have a hole in my yard. Then it hit me; mother ƒü¢k!!! The man had done it again! This is the third time he’d done it; two times in less than a year. Big Daddy had proceeded to drive over my water main and burst a pipe.

I quickly locked up the neighbor’s dogs, dashed from her house, exploded through the azaleas, and threw myself on the ground by the water meter. I grabbed the metal lid, tossed it to the side, and sunk my arm into the dark sludge that had gurgled to the surface around the shut-off valve. I quickly turned the water off destroying the mini-geyser that had sprung forth from a water pipe that had been severed in half. Sitting back on my haunches I wonder how long I am going to be without water as this is a small Southern town on a Saturday morning. Will I even be able to get in touch with the city utilities office to report an emergency? Thank you sweet baby Jesus I had already brewed another pot of coffee or people would have started disappearing off the face of the earth never to be heard from again.

I was lucky enough to get in touch with a live human being and would you believe that a representative of Tallahassee Utilities was at my house no more than twenty minutes later? He got out of his truck, looked into this,

and proceeded to tell me I needed to call a plumber because the pipe that was severed was 2.1678 mm past the shut off valve so it was my responsibility to pay to have it fixed, not the city. Who the hell issued THAT f’ing measuring tape?!?! Before he was even able to straighten up, get into his work truck and drive out of my life forever, a representative of Lance Maxwell Plumbing pull into my driveway. As the plumber got out of his work truck I hollered over to him, “Jim call you?”

“Yup,” he replied. “Told me to come on over without calling because he ran over your water main……..again.” He states with a laugh.

This is Will.
He was the plumber that showed up at my house courtesy of Big Daddy, the General Contractor. I know Will. I went to college with Will’s brother, Roger. Roger and I are friends. Can you tell Roger owns three tattoo shops around town? (I have a big thing for guys with ink.) Will is the BOMB!

Will had the severed pipe finished in next to no time BUT when he was through replacing that pipe, he points down into the depths of sludge and says. “See that drip? That’s from the base of the shut-off valve. You’ll need to call the city back and have them send another guy out here to fix that before you turn your water back on.”

“That’s awesome, Will, thanks.”

He giggled.

I went back into the house, called the city utilities office, and again requested an emergency service repair to my water shut-off valve.”

To make a long story short (or maybe not as I’ve already taken way too much time to tell you a crappy story) I had one plumber, two city water guys, three french hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree spend the day with me Saturday.

At least I had my coffee.

Dammit Big Daddy

Cross tattoos
Cross tattooFree Cross tattoo design
Cross tattoo

Cross tattoo design

It occurred to me that I hadn't posted a blurb of Foretaste of Forever anywhere - oops! So I've added it to the sidebar.

I'm still struggling with the wip, although I have no idea why since I love this one so much. It just seems the words don't love me quite so much as I'm having a hell of time getting them down on the screen!

Foretaste of Forever Blurb

Saw this listing on Amanda's blog so decided to do mine here!

The Big Read, an initiative by the National Endowment for the Arts, has estimated that the average adult has only read 6 of the top 100 books they've printed. How do you do?

1) Look at the list and bold those you have read.
2) Italicize those you intend to read.
3) Underline the books you LOVE.

I just bolded the ones I've read, mainly because when I copied and pasted the list instead of it being all nice and neat it turned into one huge nightmare paragraph that I had to defrag... so I can't be bothered with underlining and italicising!!!

1 Pride and Prejudice
2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling
5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
6 The Bible
7 Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
8 Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell
9 His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman
10 Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
11 Little Women - Louisa M Alcott
12 Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
13 Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
14 Complete Works of Shakespeare
15 Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier
16 The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien
17 Birdsong - Sebastian Faulks
18 Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger
19 The Time Traveller's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
20 Middlemarch - George Eliot
21 Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
22 The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald
23 Bleak House - Charles Dickens
24 War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy
25 The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
26 Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
27 Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
28 Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
29 Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
30 The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
31 Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
32 David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
33 Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis
34 Emma - Jane Austen
35 Persuasion - Jane Austen
36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis
37 The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
38 Captain Corelli's Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres
39 Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
40 Winnie the Pooh - AA Milne
41 Animal Farm - George Orwell
42 The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
43 One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
45 The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
46 Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery
47 Far From The Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy
48 The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
49 Lord of the Flies - William Golding
50 Atonement - Ian McEwan
51 - I don't know what happened to #51
52 Dune - Frank Herbert
53 Cold Comfort Farm - Stella Gibbons
54 Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
55 A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth
56 The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
57 A Tale Of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
58 Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Mark Haddon
60 Love In The Time Of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
61 Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
62 Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
63 The Secret History - Donna Tartt
64 The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
65 Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
66 On The Road - Jack Kerouac
67 Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy
68 Bridget Jones's Diary - Helen Fielding
69 Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
70 Moby Dick - Herman Melville
71 Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
72 Dracula - Bram Stoker
73 The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett
74 Notes From A Small Island - Bill
75 Ulysses - James Joyce
76 The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
77 Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome
78 Germinal - Emile Zola
79 Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray
80 Possession - AS Byatt
81 A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
82 Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
83 The Color Purple - Alice Walker
84 The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
85 Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
86 A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry
87 Charlotte's Web - EB White
88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom
89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
90 The Faraway Tree Collection - Enid Blyton
91 Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
92 The Little Prince - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
93 The Wasp Factory - Iain Banks
94 Watership Down - Richard Adams
95 A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
96 A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute
97 The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
98 Hamlet - William Shakespeare
99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl
100 Les Miserables - Victor Hugo

The Big Read

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Thanks to everyone who spread the word about this giveaway!  I just loved checking out your blogs and seeing your posts about my giveaway!  Thank you!  This is such a fun way for me to meet new bloggy friends too, and I want to come by to all of your blogs and say hi! But for now, I'll stop typing and get to the really important stuff...

Here is the list of everyone who entered my giveaway, I've given you all numbers 1-13 {if I've somehow left you out and you did leave a comment, please let me know!}

1. Jami Hansen
2. Jessica Babb
3. Tai Jeppson
4. Melissa Gardner
5. Misty (planetmisty)
6. Ben & Shea Wade
7. April D
8. 3boyzmom
9. Chelsea Ann (ittybittybirdy)
10. Robin
11. Mary Jenkins
12. Parker Family
13. Everyday Super Woman

I went to http:/ and typed in numbers 1-13 to pick the FIVE winners randomly.
.....drum roll please.....

Get out your magnifying glass!
 The WINNERS are numbers 9, 4, 10, 8 and 11
Congratulations to Chelsea Ann, Melissa Gardner, Robin, 3boyzmom and Mary Jenkins!  YOU ARE THE WINNERS of my FREE "Super Poppy" blog design!!  Please email me at, include the questionnaire found HERE in your email and I'll get started right away!  

Now, for everyone who entered and didn't win,
you're still winners!  I'm giving you $10 off my "Super Poppy" design package {includes a super cute header, coordinating sides and signature button}. $15 for a complete custom blog design is unbeatable! Get your orders in today! Email me at to place your order.

And the Winners Are....

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