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When I was an aspiring author, all I used to focus on was getting to the published side of the fence. Everything I did was aimed toward achieving that goal and climbing that fence. It’s funny, but I actually think life on the published side of the fence is harder and more time-consuming than anything I’ve ever done. When you’re first published there’s a steep learning curve, and the amount of promo necessary is a rude shock. It’s not an easy business, and the truth is a writer has to produce books at a fairly fast clip to stay in readers’ minds. Most people’s vision of a published writer dressing in pink, having long, leisurely breakfasts and doing a little dictation is way off course! So, long story short—no, it’s not how I imagined it would be. It’s hard work, it can be lonely and soul-sapping at times with long hours. It’s challenging, and I can’t think of a better job.

I would have started dabbling in e-publishing a lot sooner if I had my time over. Oh, and I would have started writing at a much younger age. Not that I regret the years of travel that I experienced instead of writing and rejections! *grin*

You're a very prolific writer, Shelley, and an inspiration to me. Do you write every day? Do you give yourself daily/weekly goals?

Yes, I write every day. I get twitchy when I don’t write. On the occasional day when I don’t write, I’m usually thinking about writing or plotting or doing some sort of promo. I don’t have rigid goals, although I might get up on a Monday and think, yes, I want to finish this story this week or edit a particular story to send to my editor. When I’m in writing mode, I try to write a constant 2000 words a day. I haven’t done that recently because I’m editing manuscripts, but I’ll get back to writing soon.

I know that twitchy feeling! Would you call yourself a panster or plotter?

These days I’d call myself a hybrid. I do a bit of both. I lean toward the panster style of writing, but if I get stuck, I’ll sit down and plot. Occasionally, I’ll plot an entire story. It depends on the story really.

What keeps you motivated when the writing gets tough?

Sheer bloody-mindedness. I hate to fail. If I decide to do something, no matter what it is, I keep trying until I succeed. I never give up. Some people—my husband included—would probably call me stubborn!

Is there any advice or light bulb moment you'd like to share about getting/being published?

I think the one thing to remember is not to compare yourself to other writers and worry about doing things wrong or differently. Each writer’s journey is different. There is no right or wrong way to get to the final destination of publication.

That's so true. Do you have critique partners (CPs)? If so can you tell us how you met up and your process?

No, I don’t work with a critique partner. I’ve found I prefer to work alone, although I wouldn’t mind a couple of beta readers, if anyone is interested in applying for the job *grin*

Tell us about your latest release. What can we expect?

My latest release is Make That Man Mine. It’s a paranormal story featuring a taniwha shifter. (a taniwha comes from Maori mythology and is a sort of water dragon) Oh, and it’s an erotic romance with a bit of a suspense plot.

Make That Man Mine - Shelley Munro

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