I went through the same thing when i was at school except i started martial arts at the age of 4 but hated to fight. I got picked on everyday because i was chunky until i just couldnt take it anymore. I agree you should try and find a peaceful way out but if you cant (and sometimes you cant) fight him dirty! Dont let him land the first punch, use the element of surprise and hit him first, kick through his knee. If that fails atack vital areas liek eyes, ears, throat and groin. No boxer no matter how tough they are can handle you sticking your finger in his eye or tearing off his ear! The last thing a buly thinks you will do is hit him first. Dont rely on technique in this situation, he already trains and even if you start now he already has more experience, if you rely on technique his might be better so rely on your instinct. If you cant avoid it, hurt him so he wets his pants for the rest of his life when he thinks of you! Give him one from me too! haha

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