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Happy Release Day, Sara Hantz!

Blast from the Past

The Second Virginity of Suzy Green Blog Party!

Look Who I spied...


Caressed by Ice

Tag Time

Thief With No Shadow

Almost Famous

boobs in the cosmic sense

Just Step This Way, Madam...

christopher cross wednesdays!

just call me kotaku lol

michael jacksons is of all nations all races



Conference Cocktail Party

Conference 2007

whut i need for my day

1. A proclivity for using the word “classy” frequently
2. Racoon streaks
3. Wearing shirts with statements on them, like “Hotter than your girlfriend”, “sassy”, “sex magnet”, etc
4. Flipping out on anyone who calls you a bitch
5. Boost mobile subscriber
6. Referring to your boyfriend as “your man”
7. Fake shiny jewelry
8. Identifying with Fergie

9. Lip Gloss
10. Wedge shoes with high heels
11. Jorts
12. White beach sandals
13. Streak-colored hair
14. Opossum Pie
15. Making dance videos and submitting them to YOUTUBE

Mating Rituals of Low-Middle Class Women

my computer is blunged out!!!!

comings of the japans pt 11

This guide addresses problems associated with rave parties. Rave parties–or, more simply, raves–are dance parties that feature fast-paced, repetitive electronic music and accompanying light shows. Raves are the focus of rave culture, a youth-oriented subculture that blends music, art and social ideals (e.g., peace, love, unity, respect, tolerance, happiness). Rave culture also entails the use of a range of licit and illicit drugs. Drug use is intended to enhance ravers' sensations and boost their energy so they can dance for long periods.

Rave party problems will be familiar to many police officers working in communities where raves have been held; they will be unfamiliar to many other officers who have never experienced raves or, perhaps, even heard of them. In many jurisdictions, the first time a young person dies while or after attending a rave and using rave-related drugs sparks media, public and political pressure on police to take action.1

In some respects, rave party problems are unique; they combine a particular blend of attitudes, drugs and behavior not found in other forms of youth culture. In other respects, rave party problems are but the latest variation in an ongoing history of problems associated with youth entertainment, experimentation, rebellion, and self-discovery.2

Dealing appropriately with raves is difficult for police. On the one hand, police often face substantial pressure from mainstream society to put an end to raves, usually through aggressive law enforcement. On the other hand, raves are enormously popular among a significant minority of teenagers and young adults, most of whom are generally law abiding and responsible. Strict enforcement efforts can alienate a key segment of this population from government in general, and the police in particular. To be sure, raves can pose genuine risks, but those risks are frequently exaggerated in the public's mind. It is important that police recognize that most rave-related harms happen to the ravers themselves, and while ravers are not wholly responsible for those harms, they willingly assume much of the risk for them. Accordingly, rave party problems are at least as much public health problems as they are crime and disorder problems. It is critical that you establish a solid base of facts about rave-related harms in your community, facts from which you can intelligently develop local policies and responses.

The principal rave-related concerns for police are:

* drug overdoses and associated medical hazards;
* drug trafficking and the potential for violence associated with it;
* noise (from rave music, crowds and traffic);
* driving under the influence; and
* traffic control and parking congestion.

Related Problems

Rave party problems are only one set of problems relating to youth, large crowds and illegal drugs, problems police are partially responsible for addressing. Other problems not directly addressed in this guide include:

* problems associated with crowds at music clubs (e.g., hiphop clubs), and at concerts and other big events;
* assaults in and around bars;
* thefts of and from cars in parking facilities;
* disorderly youth in public places;
* graffiti;
* street-level drug dealing;
* clandestine drug labs;
* high-level trafficking in rave-related drugs; and
* use of illicit drugs in acquaintance rape.

Factors Contributing to Rave Party Problems

Understanding the factors that contribute to your problem will help you frame your own local analysis questions, determine good effectiveness measures, recognize key intervention points, and select appropriate responses.




Michael Vick has to stop physically hurting my feelings and dashing my hopes

from the reader mailbag :D

best place for sunday brunch??


choo choo rockets! choo choo rockets! choo choo rockets!

Two Days and Counting

someone in this room...IS A MURDERER!!!


Happy Release Day Amanda!

UPDATE virgin music festival

virgin music festival

Countdown to Conference



to the intern still in my bed...

fuck my job

my kinda ladies!