I just realised it's been a while since I mentioned my writing (well okay so it's been ages since I mentioned my writing...!) and this may have something to do with the fact that I haven't been doing a great deal of it just lately. Oops.
Partly it's because I'm waiting to hear back from various agents, and party it's because my motivation has kind of hit the skids lately. But that aside, I'm still very much in love with my wip and am determined to get it finished before Christmas.
I know where it's going (mostly) although I do have problems with the dead body. I always knew I should've steered well clear of that aspect, but what can you do? I'm just the writer. It's not like I can control these things (I can hear you howling with laughter there, Sara!!)
And speaking of control. What's with this blinking dead body suddenly phoning my heroine?? It would make sense if I was writing a paranormal but alas, there's not a vampire in sight!!
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