How in the name of all that is Holy did he get a handicapped sticker for THAT?!?!? Does the red handicapped sticker hanging from the rearview mirror mean he's mentally challenged? Thanks for the laugh, Cletus!
Handicapped Sticker
All day long while sitting at my desk, should I perchance glance out the window - this is what I set eyes on:

How in the name of all that is Holy did he get a handicapped sticker for THAT?!?!? Does the red handicapped sticker hanging from the rearview mirror mean he's mentally challenged? Thanks for the laugh, Cletus!
How in the name of all that is Holy did he get a handicapped sticker for THAT?!?!? Does the red handicapped sticker hanging from the rearview mirror mean he's mentally challenged? Thanks for the laugh, Cletus!
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