Please welcome my special guest this week, Alisha Paige, who writes for The Wild Rose Press and New Concepts Publishing. Alisha's book, A Love Beyond Time, was recently released by The Wild Rose Press as part of the Song of the Muses anthology.
Over to you, Alisha!
Can you tell us a little about your book, A Love Beyond Time?
This book gave me a unique challenge. I never plan or plot my books. I write by the seat of my pants and never would I have come up with the idea to write about a Greek muse but when my editor approached me with the idea, I was willing to go for it. I chose Clio, the muse of history because I’m fascinated with history. I was also thrilled to work with eight other authors in this series about the nine Greek muses. I’ve become quite close to many of them and so very thankful I was given this wonderful opportunity.
Here’s the blurb:
Cursed for mocking Aphrodite, the goddess of love, Clio, Muse of History and her lover are thrust back in time to the Salem Witch Trials and then the Italian Renaissance. Only love can save them both, but is their love strong enough against the one goddess who can end all love? Is their love A LOVE BEYOND TIME?
How did the idea for the plot come about?
I’m fascinated with The Salem Witch Trials and I wanted to write a time travel so I decided my muse would start out in Salem and travel back in time to one of my favorite time periods, the Italian Renaissance. I really had no idea where I’d go from there but I was required to give my editor a vague notion of where I was going. Being a pantster, I had to ask my editor a couple of times if the plot was okay, just to make sure I was on the right track.
I love sale stories (ok I am just nosy!!) so can you tell us about your road to publication - and your call story?
Well, I never received a call, but I did get that first email that left me staring open mouthed at my computer screen. These are the most beautiful words….How would you like to become a published author? I’ve told this story on my blog before so I’ll copy here.
When my editor sent me an email with a contract attached, I nearly choked on my morning coffee. I just knew it was a rejection. For some reason, I always thought my first sell would come via "the call". I actually skimmed the email because I knew it would be painful for me......and then she closed it with Congratulations! Huh? I reread the email slowly and nearly flipped out! No, I did flip out and called my husband who was working out of town. He's a steel worker......one of those guys who builds the framework of a building.......who walks high in the air on beams. He was in the air when I called and the wind was whipping around him, making it hard to hear. I called him over and over until he picked up. He said, "Honey, what is it? I'm in the air." I said, "Guess what?" He could hear it in my voice. He already knew. "You sold a book?" "Yes!" I answered. "Oh, honey. I'm so damned proud of you. So, how is my published author?" Siggggggghhhhhh, yes, I will be reliving that moment for years and years to come! What an amazing feeling.
We are all about the love here, so please share your fave books, movies, TV shows or current fantasy squeeze (it's all in the line of research!)
I read so many books. I can’t possibly pick a favorite, but a classic, Forever Amber by Kathleen Winsor stays with me still though it doesn’t have the traditional happy ever after I crave. And yes I was disappointed but her writing is sublime.
I just saw a great movie with Russell Crowe called A Good Year. I have fantasies about owning a vineyard in Tuscany so this movie catered to everything for me…my love for wine, romance and Crowe is oh so yummy. What a great movie, based on a novel by Peter Mayle about a businessman that inherits a French winery from his favorite uncle. The end was tied up so beautifully.
I rarely watch t.v. unless it’s the Biography channel. I’m fascinated by the lives of people and find that we all have so much in common. We all struggle, no matter who we are. We all have self doubt. We’re all human.
Fantasy squeeze…Clive Owen. All that stubble and that accent…need I say more?
What are you working on now?
Currently I'm working on another shapeshifter tale set in Circle City, Alaska and just finished a werewolf novella set in Montego Bay, Jamaica. I'm waiting to hear back from my publisher on this story as well as my were-lion tale set in Africa and the London countryside.
My fantasy romance, Hunting for Fireflies, will be available this year! I'm very excited about this book because it's also suitable for young adult.
My romantic urban paranormal thriller, Nocturnally Vexed, will also be available at the end of the year. This book is about a clan of hybrid creatures known as the Orgulocks, half shapeshifter/half vampire. King of the Orgulocks, Vex Savaker kicks off this series as detective for the Metropolitian Police, on the prowl for the modern day Jack the Ripper. Stay tuned for news of the other Orgulock brothers; Jet, Knight, Daze and Stone.
How can readers keep up with your writing and books?
You can find me at Alisha Paige. Make sure you enter my monthly contests. I also have a blog, two My Space pages and a Facebook page, all listed on my site. I also belong to Infinite World of Fantasy Authors, a fabulous group of speculative fiction authors. You can find us at http://www.iwofa.net/.
Thanks Alisha! ~Thanks for having me! I had a blast!
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