Please welcome my special guest this week, Suzanne Brandyn, whose debut book, Passion in Paradise, was released on Wednesday from The Wild Rose Press!
Suzanne Brandyn lives on the Mid-North Coast of NSW, Australia, where she enjoys the ocean and the country. It is here amidst the peace and quiet she dreams her stories and moulds her characters toward that Happily Ever After. In the warmer months of the year you will find her walking along the beach or sitting under the shade of a palm tree jotting down notes for her next story. Suzanne would like her readers to know that the Happy Ever After is not only reserved for children’s fairytales but also has a place in the life of an adult.
Suz, thanks for joining me today, and congratulations on Passion in Paradise already hitting the #1 spot on the novellas best selling list at TWRP!
Everyone who leaves a comment for Suz here will be entered into a draw to win a copy of Passion in Paradise!
Can you tell us a little about your debut book, ‘Passion in Paradise?’
‘Passion In Paradise’ was a manuscript I undertook in a National Novelist Writing Month. It was also listed as a finalist in the first round of the Emerald Competition with the Romance Writers of Australia. I withdrew it from the second round as it got accepted for publication.
Passion In Paradise is set at a luxurious resort on the Whitsunday Coast, the edge of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea and Sydney.
Wow, certainly sounds like a taste of Paradise! How did the idea for the plot come about?
I wanted to have two people stranded on an island as I love the tropics and islands. It eventuated from there. I did a great deal of diving off the Whitsunday coast many years ago, and fell in love with the area.
It had to have an aircraft in the story. Re-my husband is a private pilot. The heroine takes a scenic flight over the Great Barrier Reef not knowing the pilot, the love of her life, will be flying. They drift off course, a fire erupts in the cockpit and the hero makes an emergency landing over the Pacific Ocean, but he hits his head and is unconscious. The heroine rescues him by getting them both safely to a deserted island.
I love it when the heroine rescues the hero!! As you know, I also love sale stories! So can you tell us about your road to publication - and your call story?
Well my email story. It said they loved my story, the plot flows nicely and my characters are vivid and appealing, and the emotion is well drawn. Then it read they would like to contract it.
You can imagine the state I was in. I re-read that email repeatedly. The next day I continued to read it and I lost count. I was numbish, with a big grin on my face. I think it took a few days for it to sink in. It’s such a buzz to get an email like that in your inbox. It was in the hands of one editor and she liked it, but ended up in the hands of another. Oh boy, my thoughts were, “What if she doesn’t like it?” Just because one editor liked my story didn’t mean another would. Luckily she did.
I so empathise with the big grin!! We are all about the love here, so please share your fave books, movies, TV shows or current fantasy squeeze (it's all in the line of research!)
My favourite books well, I don’t really have any favourites. I have an assortment. Nora Roberts, Danielle Steele, Melissa James, Claire Baxter, Liz Fielding, Marion Thomas, Bronwyn Jamieson, the list is endless. I read a diversity of novels but Norah Roberts stories draw my attention.
Fantasy squeeze - Hugh Jackman. His looks, his smile and personality shines through his character roles.
Oh yeah, have to agree. What's not to love with our Hugh!! Can you tell us what you're working on now?
I have recently completed two category manuscripts. The first one is set in outback Australia, the second in Sydney.
How can readers keep up with your writing and books?
By taking a peek at my blog, website or visit The Wild Rose Press website.
Thank you Christina for having me. It’s been very enjoyable. I would also like to thank any visitors that pop by and leave a comment. Don’t forget you go into a draw a few weeks after this interview to win a Pdf copy of ‘Passion In Paradise'.
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