Please welcome my special guest this week, Scarlet Rose author Paisley Scott, who's chatting about her recent release, Sugar Shack!
Paisley Scott lives in Northwest Louisiana near the Texas border with her husband and three spoiled pups. Ever the romantic, she tries to infuse her steamy stories with heart-melting feelings (as well as lots of sex!) Paisley is also the alter-ego of romance writer, Leslie Ann Dennis, author of hot contemporaries.
Can you tell us a little about your book?
Well, it's actually part of an four-author anthology set to go to print late 2009. Jennifer Haley (our editor), hand-picked four of her authors (Ana Aragon, Devon Gray, April Vine and myself) to take part in this exciting anthology which is based on Dan Fogelberg's classic, "Same Old Lang Syne". All the stories are about former lovers who reconnect after years apart. Jennifer gave us Carte Blanche to do whatever we liked and set it wherever we wanted. How could I refuse? My contribution, SUGAR SHACK, features headstrong journalist Catherine Bennett reuniting with oh-so-sexy maple farmer Luke Mackenzie.
Ten years ago, Catherine Bennett said goodbye to her fiancé, Luke Mackenzie, and his maple farm in Vermont. She wanted to be somebody. She wanted to break out of a small town existence and live the city life. But the higher she flew, the less satisfied she was in love and life. She had left her heart behind. And she'd never forgotten the sizzling sex with blond-haired, muscular Luke.
Now, when her job takes her back home to Vermont, old feelings flame to life. But is Luke still interested? Is he married? And can he ever forgive her for leaving him so long ago? Only one thing's for sure; there's still an attraction. And their reconciliation will burn hotter than the fireworks that light up the New Years Eve sky!
Review from reader, Martin Schwartz (my first male-review): Sugar Shack is the perfect feel-good story to rescue snow-bound readers from the depths of cabin fever. Get it as a holiday gift to yourself. You don't have to read it at Christmas time, but I do recommend reading it during the winter. Summer reading might result in spontaneous combustion.
How did the idea for the plot come about?
It took shape fairly quickly after Jennifer handed down the idea. I loved the thought of former lovers coming back together. I mean, how many of us have replayed the "what if" dream where an old flame comes back after years apart and everything just clicks into place like time has stood still? That's what I wanted for Luke and Cat. Their timing was off the first time, but they get a second chance -- and take every advantage of their time together. I was eager to write a story like this. I tend to "see" the hero first in my head, then I make the woman who can't resist him. *grin* Once I "saw" Luke in my head, their story simply flew from my fingertips.
I love sale stories (ok I am just nosy!!) so can you tell us about your road to publication - and your call story?
*grin* I honestly don't think that's nosy.. it's always interesting to hear the "call" stories. I love to hear them myself! I just wish mine was more exciting -- LOL! Ok, let's see. I've been writing (seriously) since 2000. I had recently rewritten my contemporary story, REASON TO BELIEVE (RTB) (the one I wrote under my real name, Leslie Ann Dennis) which began as a very sweet romance, but got a big shot of steam since erotica was gaining popularity. I figured the best plan would be to spice up RTB and pitch it to publishers of erotic romance. The first place I tried The Wild Rose Press' Scarlet line. Good news and bad news... the good news is the editor LOVED the story but, based on their definition of erotica, it didn't qualify. An erotic romance is one where the main priority is given to the sexual journey and the romance comes after. But RtB's primary goal was romance that also happened to have lots of sex in it. LOL. So... the Scarlet Line passed on RtB, but recommended it to the Champagne Rose line with a HOT rating (which it got). The editors at Scarlet liked my writing and asked me to pen a story for them and make the sexual journey the central point. I immediately got to work and they contracted THE PIRATE AND THE PUSSYCAT just two days after my birthday in July of 2007. So, The Pirate and The Pussycat was my first sale, based on the rejection of Reason to Believe by that line. (RtB was contracted the following month by Champagne Rose) :)
We are all about the love here, so please share your fave books, movies, TV shows or current fantasy squeeze (it's all in the line of research!)
Fave books? Oh, that's a tough one! I'm afraid if I start mentioning books written by writer friends, I'll leave someone out and I'll be in the doghouse. So I'll suffice it to say ALL OF MY FRIEND'S BOOKS plus Richard Matheson's WHAT DREAMS MAY COME (the book, NOT the movie) and BID TIME RETURN (Somewhere in Time). I also love Brenda Joyce's "de Warenne Dynasty" series. TV Shows: Medium, Ghost Whisperer, Psych, American Idol, anything on the Food Network, Biography channel, History Channel.... I am very eclectic. LOL!Current fantasy squeeze... mmm.. that's too difficult. I develop crushes on all the hotties who audition for roles as my heroes. *grin*
What are you working on now?
Currently I'm working on another sexy Scarlet. I'm afraid I can't talk too much about it because I'm still in the "planning-scribbling-ideas-and-chucking-wadded-notes-across-the-room" stage. LOL! >How can readers keep up with your writing and books?Oh, I love to hear from readers and other authors! Feel free to contact me at any of the following:email:
Link to all Erotic Romances by Paisley Scott from The Wilder Roses: http://www.thewildrosepress.com/wilderroses/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=21>
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