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shes insane! i love it!

shes insane! i love it! im sad abotu what shes ingesting, and the bad man who got her started on that shit.
but shes made herself a true outsider under the influence or not- wch in itself is not a crime, shes expressed whatshes feeling insdie on the outside an dyes its the result of a pysc hotic break due to uh…ingestion of a very very very evil substance. and i know what i know because i know, the people who know- she cred for a long tome before she did it and hewr bodygiards were allthat was with her
how the ultmate insider the persopn whose almnost directly resposnble for ruining guitar rock ended up shaving herhead is an ultmate ironyt and the fact that she shaved her head hell if i didi it noonbe would blnk butt hats cos ive aleways been an ousider even when im an insider- but ths is breaking news due to that fact that this was the lolita fuck up fantasy doll jonbenet nghtmare- i remember the firt time i saw a little thing on her in spin i seriously very seriously thought iutw as a parody like an snl skit and when it became real i worried and it affected everyone, in my world in teh world of rock n roll and this may as well be death in some ways- she wasnts ober when she did it - i wish she had been because then id be able to really kind of get behind it and just say- fuck yeah express yourself- do it= ypu dont feel pretty on ths inside anymore show it man, but it s happened and itslegendary, this is going to be legendary.
is she going to join mercury rev? start hanging at spac eland?
i doubts he even udrstands that world but nod ecent punk at heart can begrudge the once totally self an dmommy sexualised “virgin” for shavin g her dammed head, i love it and im sad for her att he sAme time.
im sure shes clueless to how brilliant this was, how in some ways anarchic an dfemnist it was- but she still needs to go back to rehab.
thjats myt two cents.
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